Page 11 - ATA MRCH 11
P. 11
LOCALFriday 11 March 2016
Developing a Lifelong Love of Travel
RAINER JENSS revisit twenty years later There are several reasons family travel, especially for firms that parents feel very
President & Founder with our teenage boys to why I believe that today, destinations like the Carib- strongly that once they
Family Travel Association go scuba diving. right now, is precisely the bean. find a destination they like,
(FTA) - Think back to your It’s safe to say that the holi- time to double down on For one, our research con- they’ll return to it. That can
very first memory. Got it? days I spent in the Caribbe- really make a significant
If you’re like most – 62%, in an were a major influence difference in charting a
fact – that remembrance on my love for travel and path for future genera-
will be from a time spent why I ultimately helped tions of travelers we need
on vacation. I happily fall launch the Family Travel to cultivate. Furthermore,
into that majority. Association, an organiza- there is greater opportunity
As a child, I had the good tion bringing the industry in promoting travel to mul-
fortune of having traveled together to inspire more tigenerational groups be-
early and often. During families to travel. After all, cause their large party size
my school years, my par- travel’s power to transform makes them much more
ents often took my sister children’s lives is something profitable.
and me on a cruise to the we can all certainly appre- Finally, if consumers have
Caribbean, sometimes ciate. easier access to informa-
even missing a few days of With family and multigen- tion, get more inspired by
school to do so. Sure, the erational travel now one all the wonderful oppor-
ships were fun, but mainly, of the hottest and fastest- tunities available to them,
we fell in love with the trop- growing segments of the learn more about why trav-
ical climate, white sandy entire tourism industry, el with children is so benefi-
beaches and unique cul- some might wonder why in- cial and can be transfor-
ture found only in the is- vesting in the growth of this mational – not just recre-
lands. sector is even necessary. ational – and the industry
Looking back, I guess it’s After all, at a time when a helps simplify the process
no surprise that my honey- record number of families of planning/booking fam-
moon included a romantic are traveling, shouldn’t the ily travel, then this segment
getaway in St. Lucia, the industry focus its attention of the industry will continue
same destination (and re- on other emerging cat- to grow and expand in the
sort) my wife and I would egories? years to come.
Oranjestad-Benjamin Petrocchi a true native Aruban started the
newest export product of Aruba, locally produced hand rolled
cigars called “Aruhiba”. These cigars are produced and cultivated
in Aruba. Petrocchi always had interest in the cigar business and
has also sold Premium Cuban cigars, and now he is growing his
own tobacco crops.
After many attempt and trips to Santo Domingo and Cuba, he
started his own production and cultivation of Aruhiba Cigars in
Aruba. The whole process took him 10 years to perfect.
Petrocchi dedication to the cigars is important for the molding
and process of making a perfect cigar which takes a long time. Their handmade cigar box is
specially designed with their “Aruhiba” logo.Petrocchi considers Aruhiba as a promotion for
Aruba trough its fine cigars .The company sells Aruhiba to the international market as well.
Visit their retail store located in front of the Historic Dutch Windmill in front of Riu Hotel,
with purchase of $20 and up you receive a free “Aruhiba” cigars or ask for their gift box of
cigars get 1 FREE for only $37.We are open from Monday to Saturday from 9 till 6.30 pm and
on Saturdays from 10 to 4 pm. Aruhiba cigars are now available at the gift stores in your resort
and at well-known cigar stores. For their complete selection and attractive by the box prices visit
our retail stores. Tours are also available to the Tobacco Farm, where our cigars are grown and
rolled. Make an Aruba Tour including a stop at Aruhiba
Factory call 739-2000. Winner of the best of Aruba.
The best local product Cigars in tubes Arubian design.
For a group or private tour call 586-7833/593-6177
or send us a email to