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The Magic of
                                                                                        Monday                                          Relaxation
                                                                                       February 10, 2020
                                                                                        T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                                Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Outrage after gunman ambushes NYC police twice in 12 hours

            By S. ROSENBAUM/D. HAJE-     struck  a  lieutenant  in  the
            LA                           arm  and  narrowly  missed
            Associated Press             other police personnel be-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  gun-  fore  he  ran  out  of  bullets,
            man  was  taken  into  cus-  lay  down  and  tossed  his
            tody  Sunday  after  he  am-  pistol.  That  attack  came
            bushed  police  officers  in  just  hours  after  the  same
            the Bronx twice in 12 hours,  man approached a patrol
            wounding  two  in  attacks  van in the same part of the
            that  ignited  outrage  from  Bronx  late  Saturday  and
            officials who blamed the vi-  fired at two officers inside,
            olence  on  an  atmosphere  wounding  one  before  es-
            of anti-police rhetoric.     caping on foot, police said.
            The man, whose name was  Despite multiple shots fired
            not  immediately  released,  in  both  incidents,  nobody
            was  captured  after  he  was  killed,  and  all  are  ex-
            walked  into  a  police  sta-  pected  to  recover,  police
            tion in the Bronx and start-  said.
            ed  shooting  shortly  before
            8  a.m.  Sunday.  His  shots         Continued on Page 2                                                                        Associated Press
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