P. 6

6                                                             AWEMainta                                       Diabierna, 10 November 2017

                                                                                                Muhe Chines a bira

                                                                                                    agresivo cu Polis

                               PUBLIC AUCTION

                     THURSDAY DECEMBER 7, 2017                                                 DIARANSON Polisnan ta haya nan mes
                                                                                               obliga di detene un muhe Chines cu su ne-
                                                                                               goshi no ta cumpli cu ley y kende no kier a
                  On Thursday December 7, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the
                  Chamber of  Commerce,  Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in   sigui ordo di autoridad.
                  public,ex. art 502 RV ev Code of Civil Procedure of Aruba:
                                                                                               Patruya di San Nicolas tabata pasando den
                  A residential house locally known as
                                                                                               Caya Jose  Geerman  y ta  constata cu  e  lo-
                    L.G. SMITH BOULEVARD 125-D                                                 calidad Zhou Guang, ta habri pa publico. E

                                                                                               Polisnan ta consciente cu e negoshi en cues-
                                             ARUBA                                             tion no tin e permiso necesario pa bay den

                                                                                               Polisnan a papia cu e señora H.H., kende ta

                                                                                               atende bar, y ta e persona cu nan a yega di

                                                                                               papia cune caba riba e asunto aki na varios
                                                                                               ocasion. Pero niun biaha e muhe a compro-

                                                                                               nde e situacion ni mustra comprension.

                                                                                               Un biaha mas nan a puntre pa su permiso y
                                                                                               atrobe e no por a mustra nan esaki. El a bira

                                                                                               bruto y a cuminsa ofende e funcionarionan

                                                                                               policial cu solamente tabata cumpli cu nan
                                                                                               deber. Pa 12.30 di madruga a dicidi di hibe

                                                                                               warda di polis San Nicolas, unda cu pa 1.30
                                                                                               el a wordo presenta dilanti fiscal auxiliar y

                                                                                               cera pa investigacion.

                                                                                               Durante  su  detencion e no tabata coopera
               standing on a parcel of  public land, 1865 m2 in size, situated at  the L.G. Smith
               Boulevard in Aruba, locally recorded as Second division section A nr. 227.      cu autoridad y na dado momento el a bisa e
                Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson                                               Polisnan “mi ta bay coy un cuchiu pa boso”.

                                                                                               El a ripiti esaki un biaha mas. E funcionari-
                -   No reserve price will be used for the auction of the above                 onan a bise cu e ta wordo deteni tambe pa
                   mentioned property. Only serious offers will be considered.                 menasa contra funcionario. Central di Polis
                -   The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”)
                   and by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.         a wordo poni na altura di e situacion.
                -   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.        E mercancianan y placa cu e tabatin den su
                -    A 1% commission will be paid over the highest bid in the first
                   round of  the auction, if the bid will be accepted by the seller.           poder, ora cu a listre, a wordo entrega na su
                -   The auction conditions to be determined by civil law notary T.R.           casa na Warda di Polis.
                   Johnson will  be applicable.

                  For more information please visit our website:
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