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Thursday 16 November 2017
Manchebo Resort & Spa Celebrates Health Week
EAGLE BEACH –The health
and wellness oriented
Manchebo Beach Resort &
Spa celebrated their Em-
ployee’s Health Week the
second week of Novem-
ber. During this week the
resort together with their
employees focused on a
healthy lifestyle.
The week started off with
guest speakers Mirto Tromp
and Lourdes Kock re-
garding Dental insurance
plans and Dental care.
On Wednesday the team
got together for a beach
cleanup filling many bags
with plastic waste and
other trash. The intimate
boutique resort & spa also
organized a Cunucu walk
in the Arikok Park with a
park ranger to explore the
beautiful flora and fauna of
the island.
The employees got to
stretch & relax during the
guided yoga class by yoga
instructor Andrea and Xavi
playing live guitar. On Fri-
day Meredith Marin from
VeganAruba presented a
very interesting topic “How
to eat well on a budget”
followed by the Blood Bank
presentation. The cafete-
ria lunch for employees of-
fered many healthy options
including couscous, quinoa
and spinach salads. Fruit
infused water is located
throughout the property
to keep employees as well
as guests hydrated during
their day. The week ended
with a beautiful sunset dur-
ing the annual Baranca
fishing in Malmok.
Manchebo provides a va-
riety of activities to keep
the body moving and the
mind calm. Yoga and Pi-
lates classes are offered
daily and health and well-
ness retreats fill the calen-
dar. Yoga, fitness, health
and wellness experts are
traveling from around the
world to Manchebo offer-
ing its guests a unique and
healthy vacation option.q