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a28    obituario/u.s. news
                    Diahuebs 10 Maart 2022

                                                                Biden’s inflation plan upends thinking on jobs

                                                                                               sent overseas

                                                             (AP) — President Joe Biden has a solution for
                                                             high  inflation  that  seems  counterintuitive:
                                                             Bring factory jobs back to the U.S.

             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   This challenges a decades-long argument that em-
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                     ployers moved jobs abroad to lower their costs by
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                        relying on cheaper workers. The trend contributed
             Salmo: 23                                       to the loss of 6.8 million U.S. manufacturing jobs
                                                             since 2000, but it also translated into lower prices
             Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon nos ta anuncia   for consumers and put downward pressure on in-
             fallecimento di:
                                                             flation in ways that kept broader economic growth

                                                             It was a trade-off that many corporate and political   Gina  Raimondo,  state  governors  and  business
                                                             leaders were privately comfortable making.      leaders. They gathered to stress the importance of
                                                                                                             finalizing a bill that would commit funds to en-
                                                             Now, with inflation at a 40-year high, the presi-  courage the domestic manufacturing of computer
                                                             dent has begun to argue that globalization is stok-  chips, which was one of the key bottlenecks that
                                                             ing  higher  prices.  That’s  because  proponents  of   led to higher prices for autos, appliances and other
                                                             outsourcing failed to consider the costs of increas-  goods last year.
                                                             ingly  frequent  global  supply  chain  disruptions.
                                                             Recent disruptions have included the COVID-19   But this plan would take years to implement and
                                                             pandemic, shortages of basic goods like semicon-  the consumer price report being released Thurs-

                            Jossy Kock                       ductors, destructive storms and wildfires and, now,   day is expected to show that annual inflation rose
                         mihor conoci como: “Josito”         the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has sent   to nearly 8% last month, according to the financial
                         *20-02-1962 † 02-03-2022            oil prices soaring.                             data firm FactSet.
             Na nomber di su:                                Biden says the federal government can pursue two
             Esposa:        Marcia Kock Janga                courses on inflation. It can either pull back on sup-  Biden’s challenge is that he’s got long-term plans
             Yiunan:  Josmar Kock & Joshua Kevin Boekhoudt                                                   on  inflation  to  address  pain  that  consumers  are
                     Joshua Kock                             port and cause wages and growth to cool, or it can   feeling each day, said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, presi-
                                                             get rid of the pressure points that can lead to infla-  dent of the center-right American Action Forum,
             Yiu di criansa:   Marusca Janga & Samuel Croes  tion when emergencies and uncertainties occur by   who described Biden’s plan as “optics.”
                                                             having more goods manufactured in the U.S.
             Unico nieta di criansa:   Shakeley Janga
             Mayornan:             †Jose Kock                                                                Biden’s assertion sets up an ideological battle with
                                   †Antolina Kock Lampe      “Making it in America is one of the ways we can   Republicans, who blame the president’s $1.9 tril-
             Rumannan:                                       address  our  cost  and  supply  chain  challenges,”   lion coronavirus relief package for being excessive
             †Luis Kock & esposa Maria Van Der Biezen        Biden said Wednesday. “When we build products   and  flushing  more  cash  into  the  U.S.  economy
             Lucio Kock                                      we need, we don’t have to wait and we reduce ship-
             Carmen Kock                                                                                     than was needed. GOP lawmakers have said infla-
             Gorge Kock y yiu                                ping costs and we can get goods moving faster.”  tion — up from recent averages of about 2% — is
             Betty Kock na Hulanda                                                                           entirely the president’s fault, while the administra-
             Joselito Kock                                   The  president  then  unspooled  his  thinking  at  a   tion is trying to say the bigger problem rests with
                                                             White  House  event  with  Commerce  Secretary   the structure of the global economy.
             Madrina:       Juanita Lampe
             Tanta:         Denise
             Omonan:        Benjamin Lampe
                            Rufino Lampe                                                                       First Afghan refugees
             prima y primonan, subrina y subrinonan, swa y cuñanan
             ihanan:  Johny Rasmijn                                                                           arrive at new center in
                     Jayleen Rasmijn
             ex coleganan di DOW                                                                                            Virginia
             amigo y amiganan di Tang Soo Do
             amigo y amiganan di cas:  Ans, Riza, Magaly, Gabriella,
             Riginald, Juan Carlos, Gina, Bianca, Rae-Ann, Marlon,
             Carl, Daniel, Jacky, Hilda, Yesenia, Ces, Benito, Kenny,                                        February at military bases around the country for
             Oslin, Jessy, Joyce, Yolanda, Johan, Melinda, Nandito,                                          up to several months as they awaited resettlement.
             Carlito, Leonardo, Rudy, Robert, Thomas, Jossy.                                                 Those arriving now include people who managed
                                                                                                             to get out of Afghanistan after the U.S. withdrawal
             Y demas famia:
             Kock, Janga, Lampe, Van Der Biezen, Arendsz, Wever,                                             and have been at overseas military bases.
             Lacle, Trimon, Antonette, Woisky, Bilderbeek, Peterson,
             Visser, Smouter, Koetsir, Tromp, Felix, Thijme,                                                 Those who arrive at the center, which is normally
             Richardson, Pietersz, Rasmijn, Solognier, Vlijt, Henricus,   (AP) — A first group of Afghan refugees have  used as a corporate training facility, have already
             Boekhoudt, Henriquez, Geerman, Thijsen, Ammerlaan,   arrived at a new temporary housing facility  undergone  medical  and  security  screening  over-
             Perez, Van Der Linden, Noguera, Orman, Croes, Vrolijk,
             Werleman, Dirksz, Pourrier, Van Kessel, Burleson, Brown,   in Northern Virginia as the U.S. works to re-  seas. While in Leesburg, they will complete immi-
             Nava, Cornes, Haackmeester, Samson, Charles, Yarzagaray,   settle people who fled the Taliban takeover of  gration applications and participate in workshops
             Abraham, Krozendijk, Figaroa.                   their country in August, the Department of  on  U.S.  laws  and  civic  education,  the  official  in
                                                             Homeland Security said Wednesday.               charge of OAW, Robert Fenton, said in the state-
             Su amigonan di Bello’s garage
             Kier a invita tur amigo, bisiña y conocir pa asisti na e acto                                   ment.
             di despedida cual lo tuma lugar diabiera 11 maart 2022 di   Afghans  arriving  from  overseas  will  stay  at  the
             2or pa 4or na Pray Funeral Home na San Nicolaas  y sigi pa   National  Conference  Center  in  Leesburg,  Vir-  The first group of about 300 came to the confer-
             e acto di cremacion den seno familiar.          ginia, until they can be placed in more permanent  ence center on Tuesday and are expected to stay
                                                             housing around the country with the assistance of  for  two  to  four  weeks,  said  Angelo  Fernández
             Si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida un of otro familia y
             conocirnan  nos kier a pidi nos mas sincero desculpa.  private resettlement organizations, DHS said in a  Hernández, a DHS spokesman. The center has a
             Enbes di flor of krans nos kier a pidi un donacion pa   statement announcing their arrival at the new fa-  capacity for 1,000.
             Wilhelmina Kanker Fonds Aruba, lo tin un box disponible   cility.
             den funeraria pa e bunita gesto aki.                                                            More than 76,000 Afghans have come to the U.S.
                                                             Afghan refugees who arrived in the U.S. as part  since the fall of their government to the Taliban in
             Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no por ricibi
             bishita di condolencia na cas.                  of  Operation  Allies  Welcome  were  housed  until  August.
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