Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
local Friday 23 december 2022
Chanukah Concert to rock Aruba this Sunday
All invited – free admission
ORANJESTAD – Join us Sunday evening, Decem-
ber 25th, at 7pm at the Hyatt Regency parking
lot for an incredible evening of Chanukah en-
There will be Children's activities, an energy fire
& dance show, a giant Menorah lighting and
most importantly an exciting concert perfor-
mance by the incredible Yoni Z from New York!
This Chanukah has so far been celebrated by norah lightings, special prayers and fried foods.
hundreds across the island with menorah light-
ings at several resorts and beaches, a fantastic The joyous holiday is celebrated publicly to re-
30 car menorah parade and hundreds of latkes call the victory of a militarily weak Jewish peo-
being served. Chabad has been busy giving ple who defeated the Syrian-Greeks who had
out menorah kits to ensure that everyone on overrun ancient Israel and sought to impose re-
the island can celebrate this beautiful holiday. strictions on the Jewish way of life and prohibit
For more information about the concert and to religious freedom. They also desecrated and
purchase VIP seats please visit www.jewisharu- defiled the Temple and the oils prepared for the lighting of the menorah, which was part of
the daily service. Upon recapturing the Temple
The concert and other Chanukah events have only one jar of undefiled oil was found, enough
been generously sponsored by to burn only one day, but it lasted miraculously
Caribbean Mercantile Bank (CMB), Hyatt Re- for eight. In commemoration, Jews celebrate
gency Aruba Resort and Casino, Ben Real Es- Chanukah for eight days by lighting an eight-
tate Services, Diamonds International Aruba, branched candelabrum known as a menorah.
Daher Residenice, 4D Photo Bar, Do-It Center, Today, people of all faiths consider the holiday
Cigar Emporium, Superfood Plaza, Digital View a symbol and message of the triumph of free-
and MayDragon Fly Marketing and is hosted by dom over oppression, of spirit over matter, of
Chabad Aruba. light over darkness.
entire world, and for this reason we make an
Chanukah is the Jeiwsh eight-day, wintertime The lights of Chanukah emphasize that every in- effort at Chabad to invite every single person
“festival of lights” celebrated with nightly me- dividual has the unique power to illuminate the to join us in celebrating this beautiful holiday!q
Christmas Song: a magical night in a great atmosphere
ORANEJSTAD – Last week thank Tica Giel and Igmar
the concert Canto di Maduro who came with Kapel di Bethania Foun-
Pasco – Christmas Song – the initiative and coordi- dation is looking back on
took place at the Klooster nated the concert. a very fruitful year, and will
Imeldahof in Noord, a To each person who continue with encourage-
building under the illumi- helped in the bazaar, also ment in 2023. They wish
nation of Christmas lights volunteers and friends the entire community a
and decorations, where of the Kapel di Bethania Merry Christmas and Hap-
the live nativity scene foundation who gave py 2023.q
from the group ‘Angelnan their free time to assist.
di Rosario’ could be seen.
The different choirs gave
a beautiful presenta-
tion of Christmas songs
which was splendorous
in the monumental build-
ing. A jolly atmosophere
reigned, and with the ba-
zaar, people could enjoy
snacks, food and Christ-
mas crafts.
Kapel di Bethania Foun-
dation thanks everyone
who came to celebrate
this season with them, also
all members of the choirs
who did their best efforts
to give a beautiful presen-
tation on that night. They