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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 4 November 2017

             Maduro moves to restructure Venezuela’s $120B foreign debt

            By JORGE RUEDA               itself  forced  to  choose
            JOSHUA GOODMAN               between  paying  foreign
            Associated Press             creditors  and  helping  a
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  population ravaged by tri-
            —  Venezuela’s  president  ple-digit inflation and wide-
            says  his  socialist  govern-  spread food and medicine
            ment  will  begin  restruc-  shortages.
            turing  a  foreign  debt  esti-  Until  now,  Venezuela  has
            mated  at  more  than  $120  gone  out  of  its  way  to
            billion, saying U.S. financial  honor  its  debts,  finding
            sanctions are crippling the  new  funds  from  ally  Russia
            oil-dependent  economy’s  and  disproving  critics  who
            ability to pay.              long  predicted  a  default.
            But President Nicolas Mad-   But  financial  sanctions  an-
            uro also indicated he want-  nounced in August by the
            ed  to  avoid  a  fight  with  Trump  administration  ban-
            international lenders. He or-  ning  U.S.  investors  from
            dered state-run oil compa-   lending new funds to Ven-
            ny PDVSA to make one last  ezuela has made it harder
            $1.1  billion  bond  payment  to  maintain  the  delicate
            in full on Friday before the  balance.
            country  launches  its  effort  Many  banks  and  financial
            to ease future foreign pay-  institutions  now  refuse  to
            ments.                       handle  the  government’s
            “I  decree  a  refinancing  payments, for fear it could   In this Oct. 17, 2017 photo, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a press confer-
            and  a  restructuring  of  all  damage  their  reputations.   ence at the Miraflores presidential palace, in Caracas, Venezuela. Maduro said Thursday, Nov. 2
            external  debt  and  all  of  In  May,  Goldman  Sachs    2017, that his socialist government will begin restructuring a foreign debt estimated at more than
            Venezuela’s    payments,”  experienced       a    major   $120 billion, saying U.S. financial sanctions are crippling the oil-dependent economy’s ability to
            Maduro said in a nationally  backlash  after  it  made  a   pay.
            broadcast  address  Thurs-   big  purchase  of  so-called                                                              (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)
            day.                         “hunger bonds” from Ven-     The  president  said  Ven-   Hugo Chavez, the govern-     the  nation  sitting  atop  the
            Venezuela’s  economy  has  ezuela  that  paid  a  huge    ezuela has paid $72 billion  ment went on a borrowing  world’s  largest  oil  reserves.
            contracted    more    than  return but opened it up to    to  debt  holders  since  he  binge as oil prices that were  But as oil prices have fallen,
            35  percent  since  2014,  a  accusations it was profiting   came to power in 2013 de-  around  just  $10  a  barrel  the  few  risk-seeking  inves-
            sharper  fall  than  the  U.S.  from Venezuela’s misery.  spite a precipitous fall in oil  when he took office in 1999  tors willing to keep lending
            suffered  during  the  Great  “We  have  had  to  face  a   income  for  the  OPEC  na-  soared to over $140, giving  to  Venezuela  have  been
            Depression,  and  Maduro’s  real global financial perse-  tion.                        investors  confidence  they  demanding astronomically
            government     has   found  cution,” Maduro said.         Under  the  late  President  would  be  paid  back  from  high interest rates.q
              Ex-Argentine Vice President detained on laundering charge

            By A. CALATRAVA              a gloomy Boudou in hand-     December  2015,  when  he  fice. In that case, Boudou is  have  been  arrested  in
            Associated Press             cuffs,  wearing  a  bullet-  ended his vice presidential  accused of using shell com-  a  crackdown  that  has
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina  proof  vest  and  a  black  T-  term,” it said.             panies  and  middlemen  to  gained  steam  after  Presi-
            (AP)  —  Former  Argentine  shirt as he was being taken  The  warrant  said  Boudou  gain control of a company  dent  Mauricio  Macri’s  co-
            Vice President Amado Bou-    away  by  the  guards.  The  made  intricate  financial  that was granted contracts  alition  recently  won  mid-
            dou was arrested Friday on  judge also ordered the ar-    transactions, some of them  to print the Argentine peso.  term legislative elections.
            corruption charges, joining  rest  of  Boudou’s  business  involving  bank  accounts  He has denied any wrong-      Last  month,  Julio  De  Vido,
            other  members  of  the  ad-  partner,  Jose  Maria  Nunez  abroad,  to  shield  money  doing.                      an  Argentine  lawmaker
            ministration of former Presi-  Carmona.                   and its beneficiaries. It also  Boudou’s  attorney,  Eduar-  who was Fernandez’s plan-
            dent  Cristina  Fernandez  The arrest warrant said the  said  that  Boudou  laun-      do  Duranona,  told  report-  ning minister, turned himself
            who have been detained.      charges include illicit asso-  dered money by buying an  ers that he was surprised by  in  to  authorities  after  the
            Boudou  was  arrested  by  ciation  and  money  laun-     apartment for his then-girl-  the arrest and that his client  lower  house  of  Congress
            coast  guards  in  his  apart-  dering.  “They  developed  friend,  journalist  Agustina  never intended to flee. He  voted to remove his immu-
            ment  located  in  an  afflu-  their   criminal   schemes  Kampfer.                    also said Boudou wants to  nity from being detained.
            ent  neighborhood  of  Bue-  since  the  start  of  August  The  embattled  former  of-  cooperate in the investiga-  De Vido is being investigat-
            nos Aires and was brought  2009,  when  Amado  Bou-       ficial  is  already  on  trial  on  tion.                 ed  on  suspicion  of  having
            before  federal  Judge  Ariel  dou  took  charge  of  the  charges  of  bribery  and  Boudou  is  the  latest  high-  the  government  overpay
            Lijo to be questioned. Local  Economy    and    Finance  conducting  business  in-     profile  official  of  Fernan-  more than $7 billion for liq-
            television channels showed  Ministry,  until  the  month  of  compatible with public of-  dez’s   administration   to  uefied gas. q
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