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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Thursday 30 January 2020

                                                                      Democrats’ early 2020 blitz

                                                                      to strike in Texas flops

                                                                      By PAUL J. WEBER             putting  $1  million  on  the  County  come  November.
                                                                      Associated Press             ground.  Still, a Republican  And Democrats, who need
                                                                      AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — If Tex-  real estate developer who  to flip nine legislative seats
                                                                      as is going to be competi-   had  lost  seven  previous  to  claim  a  majority  in  the
                                                                      tive  in  2020,  the  first  race   tries for office cruised to a  Texas House for the fist time
                                                                      wasn’t.                      double-digit victory.        since  2001,  have  more  fa-
                                                                      Democrats  went  all-in  on   It was a high-profile defeat  vorable  targets  than  state
                                                                      a  legislative  runoff  in  the   for  Democrats  who  super-  House District 28.
            In  this  January  11,  2020  photo  Beto  O’Rourke,  a  former   booming Houston suburbs,   charged  a  sleepy  state-  But before Tuesday’s blow-
            presidential  candidate,  senate  candidate  and  congressman   drumming  up  endorse-  house special election in a  out,  Democrats  said  there
            gives  a  pep  talk  to  campaign  volunteers  canvassing  for  Eliz   ments  from  Joe  Biden   bid to make an early 2020  was reason to believe. Pres-
            Markowitz in Katy, Texas.                                 and Elizabeth Warren and     strike on the GOP’s biggest  ident Donald Trump carried
                                                     Associated Press                              turf.  On  Wednesday,  Re-   the  district  by  10  points  in
                                                                                                   publicans called it a lesson.  2016,  but  two  years  later,
                                                                                                   “They made a big mistake  Beto O’Rourke got within 3
                                                                                                   by  nationalizing,”  said  Re-  points in his failed U.S. Sen-
                                                                                                   publican   strategist   Karl  ate run. In the final stretch,
                                                                                                   Rove, the former adviser to  the race drew support from
                                                                                                   President George W. Bush.    Biden,  who  said  it  could
                                                                                                   In  final  unofficial  results,  “set the tone for the entire
                                                                                                   Republican  Gary  Gates  general election in 2020.”
                                                                                                   polled  58%  of  the  vote  to  “That  really  isn’t  going  to
                                                                                                   42% for Democrat Eliz Mar-   change,” said Ross Morales
                                                                                                   kowitz.                      Rocketto,  co-founder  of
                                                                                                   But despite the unusual at-  Run  for  Something,  which
                                                                                                   tention  on  the  race,  the  recruits  Democratic  can-
                                                                                                   outcome is no surefire pre-  didates  nationwide.  “But
                                                                                                   dictor of what’s in store for  I  think  one  thing  a  lot  of
                                                                                                   Texas. Turnout for the race  Democratic  and  progres-
                                                                                                   was more than 30,000 — far  sive  donors  need  to  really
                                                                                                   better  than  typical  state-  think hard about is what is
                                                                                                   house  runoffs  in  Texas  but  going to be required to in-
                                                                                                   still a fraction of how many  vest in the state of Texas, in
                                                                                                   are  expected  to  vote  in  order for us to get the out-
                                                                                                   fast-growing   Fort   Bend  comes that we want?”q
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