Page 5 - Binder1
P. 5
local Monday 18 July 2022
Aruba Tourism Authority is happy to contribute to Stimami Sterilisami
ORANJESTAD – Stimami to relieve the visual hassle
Sterilisami as a founda- that animals on the streets
tion is not unknown in Aru- cause, as well as avoid situ-
ba. In 2016, Bucuti & Tara ations which can cause in-
started this foundation with security for the people of
the goal of confronting the Aruba and our visitors.
problem of cats and dogs
on the streets of Aruba, in From 2016, ATA forms part
a sustainable way. With this of this project with funds,
program, the cost of ster- together with Bucuti & Tara
ilization surgery becomes and TPEF. Many times ATA
significantly reduced for receives criticism regarding
the pet owners, as well as the problem of stray dogs
for the organizations which and cats on the streets
take care of our animals on through various channels,
the streets. and recognizes the impor-
tance of finding solutions temporarily. From 2022, participate in this project,
As a tourist destination, but for this. In 2020, because of both ATA and TPEF started Recently the foundation and hopes to continue
also as a home for our peo- the pandemic, both ATA donating funds back to the celebrated the achieve- counting with the cooper-
ple, it is extremely important and TPEF had to stop do- foundation Stimami Steril- ment of 30,000 sterilizations ation of our community to
to minimize the suffering nating funds and opted isami [the name translates from its beginning. ATA is contribute to less cats and
of animals on the streets, to put this project on hold as Love me, Sterilize me]. thankful to all those who dogs on the streets.q
Small bus drivers demand fare increase
They expect an answer before noon today
ORANJESTAD – Friday morn- in the price of fuel and an
ing, small bus drivers came adjustment to the bus fare.
together and gathered in This study will be complet-
the parking lot of the Lin- ed in September 2022, but
ear Park to march together, the drivers cannot wait that
guided by the police, to the long. “We will be dead by
Bestuurskantoor – the gov- then”, one of the drivers
ernment seat – to deliver a expressed to the minister
letter. The ‘Autobus United of Transportation, Integrity,
Group’ handed a petition Nature, and Elderly Affairs,
to the government to in- Ursell Arends, who together as well as other factors, with this proposal that you are
crease the bus fare with with minister of Economic prices constantly going up, bringing is also something
1 florin, because their ex- diesel. Affairs, Geoffrey Wever, for example, bus insurance. structural for us to consider
penses are becoming too met the drivers at the and analyse. I have under-
high to manage. In their letter, they express Bestuurskantoor on Friday Minister Arends says that standing for this because
that they are aware of a morning. he is in favor of a fare in- your cost of doing business
The drivers in their letter study conducted by the crease, but must be aware is also drastically higher. We
brought a proposal to in- University of Aruba, under The bus fare of 3 florin is no that this will trigger other will analyze this and you
crease the fare in accor- direction of the govern- longer sustainable for the groups to come after and can be sure we will give an
dance with the increase in ment, regarding the rela- bus drivers, seeing the in- increase their prices also, answer in a definitive time”,
the price of gasoline and tion between the increase crease in the price of fuel like taxi drivers. “I hope that the minister declared.q