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                  Friday 13 November 2020
                                                                                                                        Still,  "there  will  still  be  some  that
                                                                                                                        slip  through  the  cracks,"  said  Ann
                                                                                                                        Lewis, CEO of CareSouth Carolina,
                                                                                                                        which runs the health centers.
                                                                                                                        Distributing  doses  is  another  issue.
                                                                                                                        The  Pfizer  vaccine,  which  could
                                                                                                                        be the first to get the green light,
                                                                                                                        comes in shipments of nearly 1,000
                                                                                                                        "A minimum of 1,000 doses makes
                                                                                                                        it very difficult to get smaller facili-
                                                                                                                        ties  vaccinated,"  said  Rich  Lakin,
                                                                                                                        director  of  Utah's  immunization
                                                                                                                        Shipments  might  go  to  a  hospital
                                                                                                                        that  is  easily  accessible  to  health
                                                                                                                        care  workers  from  multiple  sites,
                                                                                                                        Lakin said.
                                                                                                                        "They  may  have  to  drive  to  that
                                                                                                                        hospital  to  get  the  vaccine,"  he
                                                                                                                        In North Dakota, providers receiv-
                                                                                                                        ing  fewer  than  1,000  doses  will
                                                                                                                        have  them  shipped  to  a  state
                                                                                                                        warehouse that can maintain the
                                                                                                                        ultra-cold storage.
                                                                                                                        "We'll  break  them  down  into  the
                                                                                                                        smaller  quantities  and  then  drive
             In this Oct. 26,2020, file photo, a medical worker stands at a COVID-19 state drive-thru testing site at UTEP, in El Paso, Texas.  them  to  the  provider,"  said  Molly
                                                                                                        Associated Press  Howell, the state's immunization di-
            Continued from Front                registries,  which  will  be  used  for  manages the state's immunization  State  and  local  health  depart-
            State  and  local  officials  are  also  COVID-19.                      registry.                           ments  will  break  up  and  redistrib-
            planning for the likelihood that the  To  better  understand  whether  at-  "And  they  don't  do  it  every  day.  ute  shipments  of  other  vaccines,
            first  shipments  will  not  be  enough  risk groups are getting vaccinated,  They  do  it  whenever,"  Reid  said.  which are expected to require or-
            to  cover  everyone  in  high-priority  the  CDC  wanted  providers  to  re-  State  officials  in  Utah  plan  to  up-  ders of at least 100 doses, for small-
            groups.                             port the race and ethnicity of the  date the inventory, rather than ask  er providers that do not need that
            Similar  preparations  are  happen-  people  they  vaccinate.  But  phar-  each provider to enter it, he said.  many. But even if distribution goes
            ing at the federal level. Welch lis-  macies  and  other  providers  that  States are also working to expand  smoothly, officials worry people will
            tened in last week on a "war gam-   do not always collect that informa-  the  number  of  pharmacies,  doc-  not want the shots.
            ing" session by the U.S. Department  tion objected.                     tors'  offices  and  other  providers  "If  there's  going  to  be  any  real
            of Health and Human Services.       "We  have  to  be  careful  not  to  that can administer COVID-19 vac-  challenge, to be honest with you,
            For  the  vaccination  effort  to  get  put  too  many  administrative  bur-  cines,  to  ensure  shots  are  conve-  it's going to be convincing folks to
            off the ground, state officials have  dens on providers that are already  niently available.                get the vaccine," said Patrick Peer,
            been  readying  systems  to  track  stressed,"  said  Mitchel  Rothholz  of  But  enrollment  can  be  time-con-  who runs the Good Neighbor Com-
            supplies and who has been vacci-    the  American  Pharmacists  Asso-   suming,  Reid  said,  because  pro-  munity Health Center in Columbus,
            nated. That information will be fed  ciation, an industry group.        viders  often  need  help  filling  out  Nebraska.
            into a national network and will be  He  said  providers  have  been  told  forms,  getting  technical  systems  So far, states have received far less
            critical in giving federal health offi-  they will have the option to leave  working and going through inspec-  money  than  they  say  they  need
            cials an up-to-date picture of vac-  that information out.              tions to ensure they can meet stor-  for  vaccine  distribution,  and  it's
            cinations around the country.       Providers  will  also  have  to  report  age  requirements.  The  Pfizer  vac-  unclear if any more federal help is
            Providers such as pharmacies and  vaccination      information   daily,  cine needs to be kept at minus 70  coming.  Public  health  groups  es-
            doctors' offices will also need to be  which  will  be  an  adjustment  for  degrees Celsius (minus 94 F).  timate that an additional $8.4 bil-
            able to look up records, so people  those  that  typically  enter  data  Given  the  hurdles,  Reid  does  not  lion is needed to pay for staff, data
            do not have to return to the same  weekly or every couple of weeks,  expect smaller pharmacies to be-       systems and outreach and supply
            place  for  their  second  shot.  More  state officials said.           come  COVID-19  vaccine  provid-    costs.
            than  one  vaccine  could  also  be-  To  help  people  find  doses  in  their  ers.                        In rural Minnesota this fall, masked
            come  available,  and  doses  can-  area, the CDC wants to put infor-   Because of the likely need for two  nurses in traffic vests reached into
            not be mixed and matched.           mation  on  a  vaccine  finder  web-  doses  given  three  or  four  weeks  cars  to  give  passengers  flu  shots.
            "We  not  only  have  to  bring  peo-  site,  which  will  be  updated  each  apart,  the  Centers  for  Disease  The drive-thru clinic was a way to
            ple  back  for  a  second  dose,  but  day with the latest inventory.   Control  and  Prevention  is  consid-  social  distance  in  the  pandemic,
            need to make  sure that we  have  Supplying  that  inventory  informa-  ering  ways  of  helping  Americans  but it also served as a test run for
            very  good  records  of  which  vac-  tion  might  be  a  staffing  strain  for  remember  the  second  shot,  in-  someday  administering  a  CO-
            cine  they  received  the  first  time,"  some  providers,  including  a  hos-  cluding  issuing  cards  that  people  VID-19  vaccine.Carlton  County
            said Dr. Jinlene Chan of Maryland's  pital  in  Utah  that  said  it  only  has  would get with their first shot, akin  has  purchased  mobile  vaccina-
            health department.                  one  person  who  currently  enters  to  the  polio  immunization  cards  tion  stations  to  prepare  for  similar
            States already have immunization  the information, said Jon Reid, who  many  older  Americans  remember  mass clinics for the coronavirus. But
                                                                                    carrying.                           county health officials are also sud-
                                                                                    Many people will likely need addi-  denly dealing with a spike in cases,
                                                                                    tional prodding.                    and many questions remain unan-
                                                                                    In  a  rural  part  of  South  Carolina,  swered, including when a vaccine
                                                                                    one  community  health  center  is  might arrive and how many doses
                                                                                    planning  multiple  reminders,  in-  there  will  be.  "It's  all  kind  of  up  in
                                                                                    cluding  text  messages  and  calls  the air," said Jenny Barta, a public
                                                                                    from health workers.                health nurse specialist.q
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