Page 5 - MIN ECEM FLIP 5th JUNE 2017
P. 5

                      Monday 5 June 2017

    Mustang Soars to Provisional #1 Qualifier at North South Shootout

            BUDDS CREEK, MD - The Pro-                                                                                          here with us this weekend,
            fessional Drag Racers Asso-                                                                                         and  are  also,  of  course,
            ciation  had  a  short  break                                                                                       very  appreciative  of  their
            in  between  the  Southern                                                                                          support and the wonderful
            Extreme Nationals in South                                                                                          ambassadors  they  are  for
            Carolina  and  the  North                                                                                           our island home.”
            South  Shootout  in  Mary-                                                                                          Qualifying  concludes  to-
            land. Team Aruba certainly                                                                                          day  with  a  run  at  12pm.
            hasn’t skipped a beat be-                                                                                           Eliminations  will  begin  at
            tween  the  events,  going                                                                                          5pm.  Everything  will  be
            to  the  pole  at  Maryland                                                                                         streamed  live  at  www.
            International  Raceway  af-                                                                               
            ter  winning  in  Darlington.                                                                                       Follow  Team  Aruba  on
            While there will still be one
            final  qualifying  session  to-                                                                                     Facebook and Twitter. Find
            day,  Trevor  Eman’s  4.022                                                                                         race results, team updates,
            at  178.80,  recorded  in  the                                                                                      videos  and  photos.  Also
            cool of Friday evening, will                                                                                        leave  your  comments  to
            be hard to top.                                                                                                     cheer on Team Aruba!
            “We  struggled  a  little  bit                                                                                      For  more  on  your  Aruba
            earlier  in  the  day,”  Eman                                                                                       vacation  visit  www.Aruba.
            said.  “Unfortunately,  we                                                                                          com  and  www.airporta-
            weren’t able to make any                                                                                  
            test  runs  yesterday,  so  we
            felt  a  little  behind  com-  port Authority, has the po-  But  if  we  happen  to  back
            pared  to  everyone  else.   tential  to  cement  the  4.02  up the record in qualifying,
            You get data to work off of   run  as  a  new  Extreme  Pro  we’ll take that too,” Eman
            whether you make a good      Stock elapsed time record.  added.
            run or bad run, so we had    The  team  needs  to  run  a  “We’re excited to continue
            data  to  look  at  from  Q1   4.04 or better today to back  building  our  performance
            and  made  the  changes      up the run to become the  from  Darlington.  We  have
            we  thought  were  neces-    National Record holders. “If  partners from Aruba Airport
            sary to get down the track.   we  get  our  last  qualifying  Authority  here  with  us  this
            I must admit I didn’t expect   session in early enough be-  weekend, so it’s great that
            it  to  run  a  4.02,  but  hey,   fore the heat settles in, (the  they are able to join in the
            we’ll take it.”              back up run) may be pos-     excitement of going to the
            The  Mustang,     sible.  We’re  definitely  just  pole  and  possibly  setting
            also backed by Aruba Air-    concentrating  on  getting  a  new  record.  We’re  are
                                         down  the  track  every  run.  grateful  they  chose  to  be

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