Page 24 - ARUBA BANK
P. 24
Tuesday 5 June 2018
ATSA reports on its General Monthly Meeting for May
EAGlE BEAch -- The mem- ROI Marketing, who edu-
bers of the Aruba Timeshare cated and informed the fo-
Association, convened for rum about new marketing
their monthly lunch-meet- opportunities via FB Mes-
ing at la cabana Beach senger, which allows local
Resort & casino with repre- programmers to customize
sentatives of most of the is- the platform so that chat-
land’s Vacation Ownership ting with guests directly via
properties, and a number FB Messenger is available CEDE Aruba consisted of Daniel Techlenbird. the Prime Minister and the
of strategic partners in at- to those who subscribe, survey results in preparation Hoteliers Andy Osborne Minister of Tourism which
tendance. thus opening a direct con- for an upcoming “Happy and Freddy Albertus gave outlined the association’s
versation, in an easy, timely Community Initiative,” ad- a short summary of their ex- concerns, not only regard-
ATSA President Ursell Arends manner with their host ho- dressing local social chal- perience at ARDA World, ing Tourism but also regard-
welcomed members and tel or any other service pro- lenges by proposed fund- the Global Timeshare ing other aspects of life on
visitors / presenters just be- vider. raising activities in partici- event in Las Vegas at the the Island. CAFT agreed
fore officially opening the Brezovar explains that Ask pating ATSA’s resorts. The beginning of May and re- that while Economic Perfor-
meeting with the approval Aruba, a digital concierge survey was conducted by ported that for the most mance must be stimulated
of minutes from the meet- will provide customer ser- Marielsa Arends-Croes, and part was very informative, for growth, Government
ing held April 19th, 2018 vice, 24/7, as the informed Mendy Steenken Wever, recognizing the industry’s expenditure, especially on
The first guest on the agen- Aruba specialist. MGM Source, who assisted strengths and celebrating staffing, must be reduced.
da was Ross Brezovar, of The next presentation by with a partial business case its achievements world- It was a fruitful meeting,
report commissioned by wide. Safety and Security and ATSA requested a pe-
in the hotel area and Eagle riodical follow up.
Beach received the utmost Subsequent to a request
attention with general con- from a Paradise Beach Vil-
sensus to meet with the KPA las staffer, an staff member
the discuss a plan to tackle exchange among ATSA
a number of current chal- Resorts was suggested and
lenges based given various the novel idea was positive-
recent related develop- ly received, with the provi-
ments. sion that such exchanges
President Arends then re- should be working assign-
ported that an ATSA repre- ments with cross-training
sentation recently conduct- purposes.
ed a CAFT Information Ex- The meeting was ad-
change, at CAFT’s request, journed with a free word,
wishing to gain insight into and President Arends
the industry’s performance. thanked La Cabana Beach
ATSA shared the results of Resort & Casino manage-
the recent Economic Im- ment and staff, for hosting
pact study, and the ensu- a congenial event includ-
ing correspondence with ing a healthy lunch.q