Page 9 - HOH
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             Wednesday 20 november 2019

                                                                                                          Got Energy?

                                                                                    active or stressful lives are not natu-  to  improved  health  and  fitness.
                                                                                    rally producing sufficient quantities  Not  only  people  with  cardiovas-
                                                                                    of  ribose  to  fully  aid  the  body  in  cular  problems,  but  athletes  who
                                                                                    these vital processes.              deplete their energy reserves can
                                                                                    ATP  moves  nutrients  into  and  benefit from Ribose supplementa-
                                                                                    waste  out  of  the  cells  and  gives  tion  to  reduce  training  cramping
                                                                                    our  muscles  strength  or  energy  to  and soreness. Reports have shown
                                                                                    move  and  also  to  relax.  ATP  also  Ribose can even lower blood sug-
                                                                                    detoxifies your body and produces  ar levels and is also known to allevi-
                                                                                    signals  that  stimulate  hormones.   ate altitude sickness and Pre Men-
                                                                                    Without  fuel  your  car  does  not  strual cramping.
                                                                                    move.  Similarly,  without  an  abun-
                                                                                    dant supply of ATP your body be-    Muscle stiffness or pain results from
                                                                                    comes stiff, and joints become sore  not  only  physical  exertion  but  is
                                                                                    as in arthritis.                    generally  believed  to  be  a  symp-
                                                                                                                        tom  of  aging.    Instead  of  pain
                                                                                    Lupus,  a  disease  which  includes  medication  I  first  do  an  analysis
                                                                                    muscle  loss  or  wasting,  Chronic  with  blood  or  other  test  to  check
                                                                                    Fatigue   Syndromes,    cataracts,  the health of the person and then
                                                                                    and  autoimmune  disorders  like  fi-  make  sure  they  are  drinking  suffi-
                                                                                    bromyalgia are all symptoms of a  cient amounts of water.  We then
                                                                                    deficiency of ATP due to a chronic  recommend  acupuncture  treat-
                                                                                    lack  of  ribose.  In  our  clinic  I  have  ments  to  relive  stress  and  relax
                                                                                    seen  an  improvement  in  muscle  muscles  naturally.    We  also  use
                                                                                    soreness, and cramping from peo-    selenium and Vitamin E to help to
                                                                                    ple with these and other conditions  maintain good health and, protect
                                                                                    as  well  as  from  intensive  athletic  the  integrity  of  muscle  cells.  Anti-
                                                                                    workouts  by  adjusting  their  diets  oxidants,  work  to  scavenge  free
                                                                                    and  adding  quality  supplements,  radicals that damage muscle cells
                                                                                    especially Ribose. In older individu-  under stress.
                           By Carlos M Viana, OMD, CCN                              als we see an improvement in mus-
                                                                                    cle health and in all groups we see  Get  the  Point!  Stiffness,  fatigue  or
            Everyone today seems to be con-     Even with a good diet, your body  a reduction of debilitating fatigue.   exhaustion can be an obstruction
            cerned about energy.                may  need  additional  nutritional                                      to  a  happy  and  healthy  life.    D-
                                                supplementation  of  vitamin  C,  As  a  board  certified  clinical  nutri-  Ribose  which  has  been  shown  to
            Our automobiles will not travel far  magnesium,  zinc,  lecithin  or  cho-  tionist,  I  have  also  prescribed  Ri-  help your body make the energy it
            without it.                         line  and  Ribose  to  produce  ATP  bose  to  heart  deficiency  patients  needs for improved health and fit-
            For  our  primary  transportation  to  or energy. Ribose is a simple sugar  that  could  not  climb  more  than  ness. Looking to nature and tech-
            work, we know that raw petroleum  that  is  the  backbone  of  ribo-nu-  a  couple  of  steps.  The  heart,  as  nology for new and better ways to
            must be refined to make gasoline  cleic  acid  (RNA)  and  deoxyribo-   a  muscle  responds  positively  to  fuel our vehicles, homes and econ-
            or diesel fuel.  This produces a form  nucleic  acid  (DNA),  the  materials  Ribose  supplementation  that  in-  omy is important for our health and
            of  energy  which  moves  our  vehi-  our  body  uses  to  pass  on  our  ge-  creases  ATP  in  muscles.  ATP  con-  our  planet.    Finding  new  and  im-
            cles. In our bodies, glucose, amino  netic code from one generation to  tributes  to  a  measurable  increase  proved ways to improve the qual-
            acids,  and  fats  from  our  food  are  the  next.    DNA  and  RNA  are  also  in cardiovascular strength. After a  ity of your body’s energy source is
            the raw materials that must be pro-  necessary daily to regenerate and  week  on  ribose  supplementation,  and  important  place  to  start.    In-
            cessed by our cells into fuel. Your  repair our body’s cells.  A healthy  patients have reported being able  stead of soft drinks or endless cups
            body’s primary manufactured fuel  body can manufacture its own ri-      to  comfortably  climb  a  flight  of  of  coffee,  to  keep  you  going,  a
            is  Adenosine  Triphosphate  (ATP),  bose from dietary sugars; however  stairs again.                       nutritional evaluation can help you
            which provides the energy for our  this requires a lot of energy and is a                                   learn how to eliminate waste and
            body’s  movement  and  vital  func-  slow process. Diabetics, individuals  A  good  diet  for  one’s  metabolic  make  more  efficient  fuel  for  your
            tions.                              with chronic degenerative diseas-   type and supplementation with D-    body.  Come  in  for  an  energy  as-
                                                es and people who lead extremely  Ribose  has  been  positively  shown  sessment. q
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