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BUSINESS Monday 8 May 2023
The Last of Us, Wii Sports entering Video Game Hall of Fame HEALTH
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — into living rooms across the
The first commercial video world, where anyone from Oranjestad
game and the first one young children to older Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
marketed to girls are head- adults could grab the con- Tel. 527 4000
ed to the World Video troller and join in virtual San Nicolas
Game Hall of Fame, along- bowling, tennis matches
side a post-apocalyptic and rounds of golf. Com- Imsan 24 hours
Tel.524 8833
nail-biter and a system munity centers for older Women in Difficulties
that made gamers out of adults embraced the PHARMACY ON DUTY
grandparents. games for their health and
Computer Space, Barbie social benefits. Oranjestad:
Fashion Designer, The Last "With more than 82 million Dakota: Tel. 588 7364
Aloe: Tel. 584 4606
of Us and Wii Sports were copies sold, Wii Sports is
announced Thursday as one of the best-selling vid- Women in Difficulties
the Hall of Fame's class of This photo provided by World Video Game Hall of Fame, Barbie eo games of all time, but its OTHER
2023. Fashion Designer, Computer Space, The Last of Us and Wii Sports true influence comes from Dental Clinic 587 9850
The Hall of Fame honors are heading into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. the fact that it made gam- Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
arcade, console, com- Associated Press ers out of millions of people Urgent Care 586 0448
puter, handheld and mo- around the world who'd Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
+297 588 0539
bile games that have influ- quickly took off, selling orable characters and sto- never thought about play- Women in Difficulties
enced popular culture or more than 500,000 copies rytelling, quickly stood out ing one before," said Aryol EMERGENCY
the video game industry. in two months after its 1996 in the field of post-apoca- Prater, research specialist
This year's additions bring release by Digital Domain/ lyptic zombie games when for Black play and culture Police 100
to 40 the number of games Mattel Media. The game it was released by Naughty at The Strong. Oranjestad 527 3140
to be enshrined since its not only expanded the au- Dog and Sony Interactive Anyone can nominate a Noord 527 3200
Sta. Cruz
527 2900
opening at The Strong mu- dience for video games Entertainment. More than game for consideration San Nicolas 584 5000
seum in 2015. but also began a discus- 200 publications named by the World Video Game Police Tipline 11141
The winners were voted in sion about gender and it the game of the year Hall of Fame. The hall is set Ambulancia 911
by a panel of experts from stereotypes in gaming that when it entered the scene to move to an expand- Fire Dept. 115
a field of finalists that also continues today, accord- in 2013. Ten years later, mil- ed space in The Strong in Red Cross 582 2219
included Age of Empires, ing to the Hall of Fame. lions of viewers now tune in Rochester come June 30.q TAXI SERVICES
Angry Birds, Call of Duty 4: "Barbie Fashion Designer for the HBO series it inspired. Taxi Tas 587 5900
Modern Warfare, FIFA In- became a jumping-off "The 2023 HBO adaptation Prof. Taxi 588 0035
ternational Soccer, Gold- point for the girls' games has expanded the game's Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
eneye 007, NBA 2K, Quake movement and shook up reach and popularity. Cre- Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
and Wizardry. the software and gaming ated with Naughty Dog's A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Nutting Associates' coin- scene," collections manag- involvement, the show has Women in Difficulties
operated Computer er Kristy Hisert said. "It also garnered support from TRAVEL INFO
Space appeared in 1971 sparked important ques- both critics and fans as one Aruba Airport 524 2424
as the first commercial tions and debate. What of the best video game American Airlines 582 2700
video game and was rec- does it mean to be a game adaptations ever made," Avianca 588 0059
ognized for proving that for girls? Should there even video game curator Lind- Jet Blue 588 2244
video games could reach be games 'for girls'? What sey Kurano said. Surinam 582 7896
paying audiences outside are the implications of Wii Sports, which launched Women in Difficulties
of the labs where they these games? What are with the Nintendo Wii home AID FOUNDATIONS
were being developed. It the consequences of gen- video game system in 2006,
didn't garner the kind of dering games?" was honored for putting FAVI- Visually Impaired
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commercial success that The Last of Us, with its mem- motion-based technology
would bring video games Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
to the masses, according Narcotics Anonymous
to the hall, but it did lay the Tel. 583 8989
foundation for the gaming Fundacion Contra Violencia
industry: The developers Relacional Tel. 583 5400
went on to establish the Centre for Diabetes
gaming giant Atari Inc. Tel. 524 8888
"There was no video game Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
industry in 1970. The games
that we'd now call video Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
games were still mostly General Info
locked away on comput-
ers in university and re- Phone Directory Tel. 118
search labs, inaccessible to
the public," Jeremy Sauci-
er, assistant vice president
for interpretation and elec-
tronic games at The Strong,
said in a news release.
Barbie Fashion Designer
was the first video game
to target girls, letting them
design and print clothes
for their Barbie dolls. It