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U.S. NEWS Monday 20 July 2020
Continued from Front reporting record numbers senior vice president with Keisha Lance Bottoms said including 76,000 deaths.
They also include a man- this week, contributing to a Prisma Health who is based she was prepared to go to The continuing surge in In-
date that students above surge in the national death in Greenville. court to maintain the local dia — where experts be-
2nd grade and all staff rate. The seven-day roll- "The majority of the illness mask requirement. lieve the vast majority of
wear masks in school. ing average for daily new we see in our nursing staffs Worldwide, governments cases are still being missed
Texas gave public schools deaths has risen 34% from and our support staff is are frantically trying to — drove home concerns
permission to keep cam- two weeks ago, while the community spread," he prevent and control fresh over the readiness of some
puses closed for more than case count in that period said. "Almost all of it I can't outbreaks and keep their countries to cope with out-
5 million students well into shot up 43%. control." In Florida, Miami- economies running as the breaks that could test fee-
the fall. Under the new Florida reported 128 new Dade County's commission pandemic accelerates in ble health care systems.
guidelines, schools can deaths Friday and 11,345 gave code and fire inspec- some regions and threat- In sub-Saharan Africa,
hold online-only instruc- new cases. tors authority to issue tickets ens to come roaring back which already had the
tion for up to the first eight Texas reported 10,000 new of up to $100 for individuals in others. Globally, con- world's greatest shortage of
weeks of the school year, cases for the third straight and $500 for businesses not firmed cases numbered medical personnel, nearly
potentially pushing a return day Thursday and 129 ad- complying with guidelines more than 13.8 million Fri- 10,000 health workers in 40
to campus in some cities ditional deaths. California to wear masks and prac- day and COVID-19 deaths countries have been in-
until November. reported its largest two-day tice social distancing. Po- totaled more than 590,000. fected with the coronavi-
Most Chicago children total of confirmed cases, lice officers already had To cope with the pandem- rus, the World Health Orga-
would return to the class- nearly 20,000, along with this enforcement power. ic's fallout, the United Na- nization said.
room two days a week and 258 deaths over 48 hours. "We're going to put a heck tions said it is increasing to In Spain, which earlier in the
spend the other three days There were signs across of a lot of people out $10.3 billion its appeal for pandemic was one of the
learning remotely once the the Sunbelt that the virus there," said Mayor Carlos humanitarian aid. world's hardest hit countries,
school year begins under a was stretching authorities' Gimenez. "Our people are Jens Laerke, a spokesman health authorities asked
tentative plan outlined by capacity to respond. The going to go everywhere." for the U.N. Office for the the 5.5 million residents of
officials from the nation's medical examiner's office Gimenez said that too few Coordination of Humanitar- Barcelona to stay at home
third-largest school district. in metro Phoenix has got- people, especially younger ian Affairs, said in Geneva as much as possible to stem
A final decision about in- ten portable storage cool- people, have been follow- that the number of people the virus' spread. British
person instruction for fall ers and ordered more to ing the "new normal" guide- who need assistance has Prime Minister Boris Johnson
classes for the district's more handle an influx of bodies lines, so the county needed more than doubled during charted a different course,
than 300,000 students won't — reminiscent of New York another enforcement tool. the pandemic to about 250 announcing that as of Aug.
come until late August. City at the height of the At least half of the 50 states million. 1 the government was no
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds an- pandemic there. have adopted require- India's total confirmed longer asking people to
nounced she would over- In South Carolina, some hos- ments for wearing face cases surpassed 1 million, avoid public transit and
ride local school districts pitals are being squeezed: coverings. the third-highest number would stop advising work-
and require students to The number of patients But in Georgia, Gov. Brian behind the United States ers in England to work from
spend at least half of their hospitalized with COVID-19 Kemp has banned cities and Brazil, and its death toll home.
schooling in classrooms. is increasing rapidly, while and counties from requiring reached more than 25,000. The U.K.'s official death toll,
Her proclamation drew im- nurses and other workers face coverings. He sued That followed Brazil's an- which stood at more than
mediate criticism from the are also getting infected Atlanta late Thursday to nouncement Thursday 45,000 as of Friday, has for
state teachers union. when they are off work, prevent it from defying his evening that its confirmed several weeks been the
Several states have been said Dr. Wendell James, a order, but Atlanta Mayor cases exceeded 2 million, highest in Europe.q
'Black Lives' mural outside Trump Tower defaced for 3rd time
NEW YORK (AP) — A "Black arm, police said. He was net meme, with a close-up
Lives Matter" mural paint- listed in stable condition at picture of 1-year-old shoot-
ed on the street in front of Bellevue Hospital. ing victim Davell Gardner
President Donald Trump's A police department Jr. under the words "DID MY
namesake New York City spokesperson said the LIFE MATTER" followed by a
tower has quickly become women's names and infor- crying emoji.
a target for vandalism, mation on possible charg- Next to Gardner's picture
defaced with bucketfuls es against them weren't was a message written in
of paint three times in less immediately available. red marker: "I wasn't killed
than a week. The city's largest police by a cop. I was killed by
In the latest incident, two union, the Police Benevo- a Black person. Where's
women were arrested lent Association, tweeted: BLM?"
around 3 p.m. Saturday af- "Thankfully our brother will Police have released sur-
ter police said they poured be OK, but this nonsense veillance video show-
black paint on the block- needs to stop. Our city is ing two men running and
long mural outside Trump in crisis. Paint on the street An NYPD officer falls during an attempt to detain a protester pointing guns who are be-
pouring black paint on the Black Lives Matter mural outside of
Tower on Manhattan's chic helps no one." Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in the Manhattan borough of New lieved to be suspects in the
Fifth Avenue. Saturday's vandalism hap- York on Saturday, July 18, 2020. July 11 shooting. Witnesses
Bystander video showed pened less than 24 hours Associated Press say they jumped out of a
police officers surrounding after three people were car and fired multiple shots
one of the women as she caught on surveillance with blue paint on their charged with criminal mis- at the group before driv-
rubbed the paint on the video smearing blue paint hands and clothing, police chief and released with a ing away. No arrests have
mural's bright yellow letters on the mural around 4 p.m. said. According to the vid- order to appear in court at been made. Meanwhile,
and screamed: "they don't Friday while a woman lit- eo of the incident, one of a later date. police are continuing to
care about Black lives" and tered it with flyers that refer- them was wearing an "All The woman, 64, was issued look for a man in black
"refund the police." enced the recent shooting Lives Matter" shirt as well as a criminal court summons shorts and a dark blue T-
One of the officers slipped death of a 1-year-old boy other apparel indicating for illegal posting of flyers. shirt who was seen splash-
on the paint and tumbled in Brooklyn, police said. support for President Don- A photo provided by po- ing red paint on the "Black
to the ground, sustaining Officers found the trio ald Trump. lice showed one of the fly- Lives Matter" mural around
injuries to his head and nearby a short time later They were arrested, ers designed like an inter- noon on Monday.q