Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200720
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a32    local
                       Monday 20 July 2020

             Deteriorating junction

            Continued from Page 32       cine and only seen in 5-10%  lating protein is found in the
                                         of  patients.  In  our  patients  blood  plasma  is  albumin.
            Health  care  in  Western  with  painful  joints,  we  see  Levels of albumin are often
            countries today has a ma-    many  common  features.  decreased  in  people  with
            jor focus on disease, infec-  The first is that they do not  active rheumatoid arthritis.
            tion  and  their  risk  factors;  drink  enough  water.  Pain-  We can check and monitor
            cholesterol,  smoking,  and  ful  stiff  joint  symptoms  are  your amount of albumin by
            blood  pressure.  Although  present  in  the  beginning  ordering a blood test. If your
            allopathic  medicine  rec-   of  mild  dehydration.  In  blood serum albumin is low,
            ognizes  indicators  found  moderate  chronic  dehy-      the synovial membrane will
            in  blood  tests  and  ther-  dration  we  see  most  of  not  have  sufficient  protein
            magram      reports,   very  the  symptoms  of  Arthritis,  available  to  transfer  into
            little  attention  is  given  to  including  high  cholesterol,  the joint. Our arthritis proto-
            them. Even less attention is  high  blood  pressure,  heart  col is to determine what is
            placed  on  managing  the  problems,  diabetes,  and  reducing  your  blood  albu-
            risk  of  the  body’s  reaction  water retention or edema.   min level. Albumin serves to
            to toxins and heavy metals  Chronic  dehydration  is  a  sponge up toxins produced                         Dr. Carlos Viana
            except in acute poisoning.  problem  doctors  normally  by bacterial infections. We
            Additionally,   recognized  do not address until it is life  always test to identify infec-  We  see  definite  co-  rela-  rienced  beneficial  chang-
            but not addressed are oxi-   threatening. Water plays a  tion together with albumin.  tionships   between    joint  es in their blood test results,
            dative  stress,  connective  critical  role  in  every  single  In our clinic we have found  problems  and  patient’s  including  total  cholesterol,
            tissue  breakdown,  chronic  chemical  reaction  in  the  that periodontal disease, a  metabolic type. Generally,  HDL and Triglycerides, with-
            inflammation,    anaerobic  body.  Next  to  oxygen,  it  is  bacterial  infection  of  the  we  find  that  blood  type  out use of cholesterol low-
            tendency,  free  calcium  the  most  vital  element  of  gums,  causes  byproducts  A  and  AB  tends  to  get  a  ering medications. Get The
            excess,  and  acid  stress;  all  life. Yet, it seems to be virtu-  to  enter  the  bloodstream  puffy,   inflamed   arthritis,  Point!
            leading  to  degenerative  ally ignored by doctors and  and  trigger  the  liver  to  while  Blood  Type  O  tends  A diagnosis of any type of
            diseases  and  accelerated  Public Health Departments.   make  proteins  such  as  C  -  to get a harder, more per-  arthritis  should  be  a  wake
            aging.  Life  expectancy  for  We  have  good  results  us-  reactive protein (CRP) that  sistent type of arthritis. At Vi-  up  call.    Allopathic  medi-
            patients  with  any  form  of  ing colon hydro-therapy to  inflames arteries, joints and  ana Healing Center we put  cine  offers  a  health  future
            arthritis is shortened by 5-10  help  eliminate  toxins  and  promotes blood clot forma-  all  patients  on  the  blood  that  does  not  look  bright.
            years.  After  5  years  of  dis-  re-hydrate  the  body.  Joint  tion.  Periodontal  disease  type diet, which can addi-  We use blood, amino acid,
            ease,  approximately  33%  cartilage     is   composed  and  heavy  metal  poison-     tionally be modified for the  hair  testing  and  biocom-
            of patients will not be work-  mainly  of  water  (70-80%).  ing, need to be considered  individual.                patible  (natural/non-toxic)
            ing; after 10 years, approxi-  The  solid  part  of  cartilage  as major contributors to in-                        dental exams to determine
            mately  half  will  be  wheel-  consists  primarily  of  col-  creased  levels  of  CRP  by  The  sugar  of  wheat  germ  the  source  of  your  inflam-
            chair bound.                 lagen  which  is  a  protein.  the  medical  community.  is  highly  specific  to  blood  mation.    Applying  the  sci-
                                         Problems  in  the  synovial  The  treatment  outcomes  type  A  and  O  in  causing  ence  based  results;  we
            Daily activities are impaired  membrane  to  transfer  glu-  with people being treated  joint pain. The adoption of  develop  a  natural  health
            in  most  patients.    Sponta-  cose and protein will hinder  by physicians trained in bio-  a wheat-free diet appears  plan  that  can  make  posi-
            neous  clinical  remission,  the production of collagen.  compatible  dentistry  and  to  have  a  positive  effect.  tive  changes  not  only  for
            getting  better,  is  uncom-                              detoxification   of   heavy  Type O individuals following  your joints, but your overall
            mon  with  allopathic  medi-  The  most  abundant  circu-  metals  are  very  positive.   the type O diet have expe-  wellbeing.q
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