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                                                                                                  up front Monday 9 SepteMber 2024
            School districts race to invest in cooling solutions as classrooms

            and playgrounds heat up

                                                                                                                                lies  need,  and  so  planting
            Continued from Front                                                                                                these trees, even though it's
                                                                                                                                going to take time for them
            There is also accumulating                                                                                          to mature and provide the
            data  on  temperature  in-                                                                                          full host of benefits, there's a
            equality and the effects of                                                                                         slew of benefits they provide
            heat. Low-income neighbor-                                                                                          immediately."
            hoods and communities of                                                                                            Paying  for  the  needed
            color, which describes Agui-                                                                                        changes
            lar's, can be as much as 7                                                                                          For the hottest schools, these
            F (3.9 C) hotter than richer                                                                                        solutions  are  often  out  of
            and whiter neighborhoods,                                                                                           reach.
            leaving students and educa-                                                                                         The Department of Energy of-
            tors to swelter in a warming                                                                                        fers Renew America's Schools
            world. Extreme temperatures                                                                                         grants and the Environmen-
            also affect learning, perform-                                                                                      tal  Protection  Agency  has
            ance and concentration.                                                                                             the Climate Resilient Schools
            Yet  there  are  well-known                                                                                         program, for example, but
            ways to cool down schools                                                                                           they often don't cover the full
            and neighborhoods. "When                                                                                            costs, and schools sometimes
            the solutions are so at hand                                                                                        don't have the staff to apply
            and readily available," said                                                                                        for and manage grants. In-
            Joe  Allen,  associate  pro-                                                                                        creased maintenance costs
            fessor  and  director  of  the   Ronnie  Jefferies  works  on  the  parking  lot  at  Science,  Arts  and  Entrepreneurship  School  where   are also a concern.
            Healthy Buildings program at   it is being repainted to help cool it by making it more reflective, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024, in   Relying on grant money "can
                                         Mableton, Ga.
            the Harvard T.H. Chan School                                                                       Associated Press  completely exacerbate the
            of Public Health, these con-                                                                                        haves  and  the  have-nots"
            ditions are "unacceptable."  adaptation technologies.     2017 — part of district-wide  said V. Kelly Turner, an associ-  when it comes to reducing
            In Phoenix, Aguilar became  "And as climate change gets  conservation  and  sustain-   ate professor at UCLA.       climate change and adapt-
            a leader, joining the school  worse...  I  think  adaptation  ability efforts. It's important  Now more schools are tear-  ing to its harms, said UCLA's
            board and helping to pass a  measures  like  this  are  only  as  California  heats  up;  this  ing out hot asphalt or turf or  Turner,  "because  it's  going
            $50 million bond that funded  going to become more and  past July was its hottest on  rubber mats in favor of green  to be the schools that have
            a number of solutions in her  more important," he said.   record.                      schoolyards, which can in-   more resources" that can go
            Osborn  Elementary  School  Workers recently rolled that  These roofs — as well as win-  clude grass, gardens, mulch  after these grants.
            District.                    same  cool  surface  on  the  dow films, paints and other  and  trees.  Between  2022  Many    believe    schools
            Other  schools  like  Aguilar's  parking lot at the Science,  technologies  —  reflect  a  and  2023,  California  alone  shouldn't be left on their own.
            are  also  starting  to  spend  Arts  and  Entrepreneurship  portion of the incoming solar  granted more than $121 mil-  Each of these individual so-
            on these fixes.              School as part of the school's  radiation away from a build-  lion for these efforts. Experts  lutions makes a difference,
            Cool ground surfaces         sustainability  goals  and  ef-  ing,  rather  than  allowing  it  say trees are one of the best  said Greg Kats, founder of
            On  a  hot  day  in  2022,  stu-  forts to minimize heat. Both  to transfer into the building  ways to cool things down —  the Smart Surfaces Coalition.
            dents at a school near At-   times,  the  roofing  manu-  as heat. These are some of  they lower air and surface  But combining efforts with a
            lanta pointed thermometers  facturer  GAF  donated  the  the easiest and least costly  temperatures, and research  local government or neigh-
            onto  their  basketball  court  coatings and labor. Without  actions a district can take.  has found that shade from  borhood  means  "you  can
            and got a reading of 105 F  that, the school would have  Experts  agree  cool  roofing  trees alone can reduce the  add about ten degrees of
            (about 40.5 C).              had to raise funds, said Scott  does bring down the indoor  heat children experience by  comfort to a school, which
            A roofing manufacturer do-   Starowicz,  the  school's  co-  temperature and reduce the  as much as 70 F (21 C).    means that the kids can be
            nated a bright blue, solar-re-  founder and chief financial  need for AC. Chaffey's roofs  At  Parkway  Elementary  in  outside  playing.  It  means
            flective coating and helped  officer.                     now sit at around 90 F (32 C).  Sacramento, a city that has  that  the  windows  can  be
            them paint it on. They took  With the new, cool surfaces,  The district has also invested  led the urban tree planting  open.  It  means  you  don't
            another reading, this time it  Starowicz said he feels "like  in steel shade structures, trees  movement for years, about  have  the  loud  grinding  of
            was 95 F (35 C).             we're doing our part" to miti-  and thermometers that con-  50 heat and drought-toler-  an air conditioning," he said.
            As  students  of  the  private  gate heat.                sider things like temperature  ant trees — including coast  "It's  just  sort  of  integration,
            school learned, paved sur-   Cool roofs and window films  and humidity to monitor heat  live oaks, Chinese elms and  right, of different strategies
            faces  get  really  hot  in  the  East  of  Los  Angeles,  roofs  stress. "There's a high level of  ginkgos — replaced an old,  over  a  larger  geographic
            sun.  They  absorb  solar  en-  across  the  Chaffey  Joint  urgency," said Rick Wiersma,  rusty backstop and one of  area," he added. "You're re-
            ergy  and  slowly  re-radiate  Union  High  School  District  assistant  superintendent  of  three  underused,  turf  soc-  ally sort of transforming the
            it out as heat, increasing air  used to reach 140 F (60 C),  business services.        cer fields this summer thanks  school environment."
            temperatures by as much as  officials said. Hot roofs can  Cooler, greener schoolyards  to  a  $400,000  grant.  The  In  Phoenix,  Aguilar's  efforts
            7 F (3.9 C).                 make upper-floor classrooms  On hot days in Berkeley, Cal-  project is part of a Califor-  improved  the  district's  air
            Cooling  playgrounds  and  unbearable.                    if., Sharon Gamson Danks re-  nia schoolyard forests effort  conditioning  and  installed
            roads  by  making  them  This  affected  a  lot  of  kids.  members seeing her kids and  to increase tree canopy in  shading  structures  at  play-
            more reflective is not new,  Chaffey is the second-largest  their peers sitting in slivers of  public schools, especially in  grounds, bus stops and court-
            but interest has been grow-  high  school  district  in  Cali-  shade  along  the  edges  of  underserved communities.  yards. The work is ongoing;
            ing along with more under-   fornia with 24,000 students.  their school building. They'd  Chamberlain  Segrest,  en-  Osborn district recently got
            standing  of  the  way  the  Nearly 65% are Latino or His-  huddle under play structures,  vironmental   sustainability  the money to plant 100 more
            accumulation  can  affect  panic.                         too.                         manager  at  Sacramento  trees and add more shade.
            entire neighborhoods, known  Chaffey has now spent $11.4  "When they're outside, they're  City  Unified  School  District,  "I think for me, that was like,
            as urban heat islands, said  million in bond money and  kind of getting overheated  said the trees will take years  it's  only  going  to  get  hot-
            Daniel Metzger, a fellow at  maintenance funds to con-    from  two  directions,  both  to mature, but "we want to  ter," Aguilar said of her ex-
            Columbia Law School who  vert  asphalt  shingle  roofs  from direct sun exposure but  think more long term about  perience.  "I  knew  that  we
            studies these passive climate  to white cool roofing since  also from really hot surfaces,"  what our students and fami-  needed to take action."q
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