Page 106 - MIN TTC 23 MAART 2016
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                                                                                                                    Wednesday 23 March 2016

 Continued from page 14       place in the Pacific. Who     TV at Down Sports Bar &        Another really, really big    is in HD plus Pay Per View.
                              will make it to the play-     Grill. Our clients liked it a  screen. Then another, and     If you love Aruba ... and you
The Montreal Canadians        offs and the Stanley Cup?     whole lot. So we thought,      another.                      love your sports.... there’s
lead the Atlantic division,   Come on down and watch        ‘Hey, we could hang an-        Pretty soon, we just lost     no better place to be than
the New York Rangers lead     the games to find out.        other one over there!’ So      count.                        Double Down Sports Bar &
the Metropolitan while Dal-   SO MANY HD TV’S               we did. Then we thought,       All we know is every seat in  Grill. But don’t just take our
las takes the lead in the     WE LOST COUNT!                ‘You know what would           the house is a good one.      word for it.... but also hear
Central division and The      It wasn’t that long ago that  look really good behind        We carry just about ev-       what our guests have to
Los Angeles Kings hold first  we hung our first big screen  the bar?’ You guessed it.      ery sport broadcast there     say!q
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