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BUSINESS Friday 27 September 2024
Google expert at antitrust trial says government HEALTH
underestimates competition for online ad dollars DOCTOR ON DUTY
By MATTHEW BARAKAT Israel, has claimed that Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
AP Business Writer Google controls 91% of Tel. 527 4000
ALEXANDRIA, Va, (AP) — the market for publisher
Federal regulators who say ad servers and 87% of the San Nicolas
Google holds an illegal mo- market for advertising ad Imsan 24 hours
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nopoly over the technolo- networks.
gy that matches online ad- Google says the govern- Women in Difficulties
vertisers to publishers are ment’s case also fails to PHARMACY ON DUTY
vastly underestimating the account for the billions the Oranjestad:
competition the tech giant company has invested to del Pueblo : tel.582 1253
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faces, an expert hired by ensure its products, work- Centro Medico:tel. 584 5794
Google testified Thursday. ing together, generate
Mark Israel, an economist better value for publishers OTHER
who prepared an expert and advertisers by match- Dental Clinic 587 9850
report on Google’s behalf, ing the right advertisers to Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
said the government’s The Google building is seen in New York, Feb. 26, 2024. the right consumers. Urgent Care 586 0448
claims that Google holds a Associated Press Israel cited data showing Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
monopoly over advertising publishers working with +297 588 0539
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technology are improperly His testimony comes as bought and sold through Google are generating EMERGENCY
focused on a narrow mar- Google wraps up its de- its ad tech stack, the gov- more revenue for each bit
ket the government de- fense in the third week of ernment claims. of ad space they make Police 100
fines as “open web display an antitrust trial that began The government says available, while advertis- Oranjestad 527 3140
advertising,” essentially the earlier this month in Alex- Google controls adver- ers are paying less for each Noord 527 3200
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527 2900
rectangular ads that ap- andria, Virginia. U.S. District tising tech at every step click their ads generate.q San Nicolas 584 5000
pear on the top and along Judge Leonie Brinkema of the process, including Police Tipline 11141
the right hand side of a has said she expects the the predominant technol- Ambulancia 911
web page when a con- government will put on a ogy used by publishers Fire Dept. 115
sumer browses the web on short rebuttal case Friday. to sell their ad space, the Best Indian Astrologer Red Cross 582 2219
a desktop computer. Then the trial will go on predominant technology Know about your past, present, TAXI SERVICES
But the government’s case hiatus, with both sides sub- used by advertisers look- future by palm and face reading Taxi Tas 587 5900
fails to account for a vari- mitting proposed findings ing to purchase ad space, Tel. 747 0808 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
ety of competition that oc- of fact in November and and the ad exchanges in Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
curs beyond those rectan- returning to court to make the middle that conduct ________________________________218336 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
gular boxes, Israel said. In closing arguments in De- auctions in a matter of mil- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
the real world, advertisers cember. She said she ex- liseconds to match adver- Women in Difficulties
have dramatically shifted pects to make a ruling by tiser to publisher. TRAVEL INFO
where they spend money the end of the year. The government’s case Aruba Airport 524 2424
to social media compa- The government’s case contends that Google il- American Airlines 582 2700
nies like Facebook and Tik- alleges Google has built legally ties those markets Avianca 588 0059
Tok, and online retailers like and maintained an illegal together, forcing publish- Jet Blue 588 2244
Amazon. monopoly that restricts ers to use Google’s tech- Surinam 582 7896
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When you account for all choices and inflates costs nology if they want access AID FOUNDATIONS
online display advertising, for online publishers and to Google’s large cache of
not just the narrow seg- advertisers. Its control of advertisers. Aruba Food Bank
Tel. 588 0002
ment defined by the gov- the market has allowed The government, using FAVI- Visually Impaired
ernment’s case, Google Google to keep 36 cents more narrow market defi- Tel. 582 5051
gets just 10% of the U.S. on the dollar for every ad nitions than those used by Alcoholics Anonymous
market share as of 2022, Tel. 736 2952
he said. That’s down from Narcotics Anonymous
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roughly 15% a decade Fundacion Contra Violencia
ago. Relacional Tel. 583 5400
In addition, advertisers Centre for Diabetes
have moved away from Tel. 524 8888
placing their ads on the Child Abuse Prevention
screens of desktop and Tel. 582 4433
laptop computers where Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
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Google is alleged to con- General Info
trol the market, with money
migrating to ads placed Phone Directory Tel. 118
on apps and mobile de-
vice screens. Israel cited
marketing data showing
display ad spending on
desktop and laptop devic-
es has decreased from 71%
in 2013 to 17% in 2022.
The government’s case
“seems to miss where the
competition is today,” Is-
rael said.