Page 13 - AUA BNK AUG 10 2021
P. 13

a26     obituario/u.s. news
                 Diamars 10 augustus 2021

                                                                         Suit: Brown failed to protect women

                                                                                    from sexual misconduct

                                                             (AP)  -  Brown  University  has  systematically  to  sexual  misconduct  allegations  violates  numer-
                                                             and repeatedly failed to protect women from  ous provisions of Title IX, the federal law barring
                                                             rape and other sexual misconduct, according  gender-based  discrimination,  resulting  in  negli-
                                                             to a federal class action lawsuit filed recently  gence, breach of contract, and “intentional inflic-
               “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di      by four current and former female students.     tion of emotional distress.”
                  Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta             The suit, which was filed last Friday in Providence  They  also  say  the  university’s  Title  IX  office  is
                           ponemi sosega.                    federal  court,  alleges  the  Ivy  League  school  in  woefully undersized and that its training on sexual
                                                             Rhode Island actively prevented the reporting of  misconduct policies and procedures do not meet
                     E ta hibami na awa trankil,             incidents of sexual violence and perpetuated a cul-  federal standards.
                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.               ture of silence on campus.
                              Salmo: 23                                                                      The  women  named  in  the  litigation  are  Chloe
                                                             One  of  the  women  said  she  was  advised  against  Burns, a 2019 graduate; Taja Hirata-Epstein, a 2020
                   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:            making a formal complaint after being sexually as-  graduate; Katiana Soenen, a rising sophomore; and
                                                             saulted at a party hosted by rugby team members  Carter  Woodruff,  who  matriculated  in  2016  but
                                                             because  it  happened  off-campus,  where  officials  went  on  medical  leave  and  is  seeking  reinstate-
                                                             said it would be more difficult to hold someone  ment.  The  Associated  Press  does  not  generally
                                                             accountable.                                    identify alleged victims of sexual misconduct un-
                                                                                                             less they decide to speak out publicly.
                                                             Another said the university found her alleged as-
                                                             sailant responsible for her sexual assault, but then  If granted by a judge, their class action suit would
                                                             named him a speaker at the school’s commence-   cover all women who attended Brown starting in
                                                             ment ceremony while he was appealing the case.  2018 and were survivors of sexual violence.
                                                             The  woman  said  the  university  overturned  his
                                                             assault finding and sanctioned her after she went  Evans said the women want a court order compel-
                                                             public with her concerns about his role in com-
                                                                                                             ling the university to comply with federal Title IX
                                                             mencement.  The  male  student  ultimately  didn’t  requirements,  as  well  as  any  damages  allowable
                      Sabina Rugia Ras-Girigori              speak at graduation.                            under law.
                      *11-07-1956 - †07-08-2021
                                                             Kim  Evans,  one  of  the  lawyers  representing  the  The lawsuit follows protests this spring led by a
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia           women, said Monday that the women’s experienc-  student group critical of the university’s handling
                                                                                                             of sexual assault claims, said Elizabeth Bailey, an-
                                                             es dealing with university administrators are par-
                               despues.                      ticularly shocking given they come years after the  other  lawyer  representing  the  women.  But  the
                                                             #MeToo movement sparked a global reckoning on  problems at the university stretch back to 1985, she
                                                             sexual misconduct.                              said, when survivors began a campaign of writing
                                                                                                             the names of their perpetrators on the library bath-
                                                             “It’s hard enough for a survivor of abuse to come  room walls, she said.
                                                             forward with their truth, even under the best cir-
                                                             cumstances,” she said. “But here we have Brown  Other  prominent  colleges  have  recently  settled
                                                             survivors  who  are  met  with  apathy  and  indiffer-  lawsuits dealing with widespread sexual assault on
                                                             ence,  which  makes  a  really  hard  situation  even  campus.
                                                             more traumatic.”
                                                                                                             In March, the University of Southern California
                                                             Cass Cliatt, the university’s senior vice president  agreed  to  an  $852  million  settlement  with  more
                                                             for communications, said Monday that the univer-  than 700 women who have accused the college’s
                                                             sity is aware of the lawsuit but has not been for-  longtime campus gynecologist of sexual abuse.

               “Ora bida bira un sufrimento ta bon pa        mally served.                                   In 2019, Dartmouth College settled a federal law-
                             bai sosega”                     She said in an email that Brown has taken a “strate-  suit with nine women who sued the Ivy League in-
                                                             gic and sustained approach” to confronting sexual  stitution in New Hampshire over allegations that it
                   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:            misconduct  on  campus,  including  recommenda-  ignored years of harassment and assault by former
                                                             tions from the university’s sexual assault task force  psychology  department  professors.  That  settle-
                                                             released in 2015.                               ment included some $14 million in compensation
                                                                                                             for current and former students.
                                                             “Brown has made it an institutional priority to cre-
                                                             ate an environment in which no incident of sexual  Meanwhile  Brown,  which  was  founded  in  1764
                                                             violence is tolerated, and the experiences and per-  and has more than 10,000 students, settled a fed-
                                                             spective of students and others impacted by sexual  eral lawsuit in September challenging its decision
                                                             violence have been instrumental in informing the  to reduce several women’s varsity sports teams, in-
                                                             actions we’ve taken,” she said.                 cluding fencing, golf and skiing to club status.
                                                             In a joint statement, the four women named in the
                                                             suit  dismissed  the  school’s  recent  efforts  as  “be-
                                                             grudging, minor changes to policy and procedure”
                                                             that have “failed to ameliorate the rampant public
                                                             health crisis of sexual violence” on campus.
                         Teodosio Ho King Lin
                 Mihor conoci como: “Dr.Lin of Teo”          “The  so-called  systems  of  justice  and  support  at
                      *14-04-1938 - †07-08-2021              Brown, as well as the faculty, staff and administra-
                                                             tors who implement them, actively perpetuate and
                                                             exacerbate  the  injustices  and  harm  they  claim  to
               Ta invita pa asisti na acto di despedida      remedy,” the women said. “Survivors at Brown are
              y cremashon diahuebs 12 augustus 2021          silenced, harmed, dismissed and discouraged from
              for di 6’or di atardi pa 9’or di anochi na     seeking justice by the university.”
                        Aurora Funeral Home                  They say in their suit that Brown’s poor response
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