Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

a8    local
                       Tuesday 28 May 2024

            Aruba enjoyed yet another successful Soul Beach Music Festival

                                                                                                   with an amazing set by DJ  He is an amazing story teller
                                                                                                   Outkast who kept the party  and even greater comedian
                                                                                                   vibes going and the mood  who on friday kept everyone
                                                                                                   sky  high.  Paired  with  the  entertained with not only his
                                                                                                   hosting skills by the hilarious  jokes but perfect body lan-
            (Oranjestad)  -  This  past  been an experience curated  one  of  the  biggest  names  Chris Spencer, it set the per-  guage  that  painted  every
            weekend, in which Memo-      in such a fantastic way that  in music and comedy, with  fect stage for a night full of  picture in a way that paired
            rial Day is observed, Aruba  both visitors and locals alike  iconic headliners like Mariah  laughter and joy.       exactly  with  the  scenarios
            had  the  pleasure  to  host  look forward to it year in and  Carey,  Boyz  II  Men,  Earth-                        and  jokes  being  told.  He
            once again Soul Beach Mu-    year out. It is a place where  quake and DJ’s like DJ Jazzy  The concert continued with  weaved every joke together
            sic Festival. A weekend full  you build new connections,  Jeff, DJ Frank Si, DJ Trauma,  its opening act by Chase An-  seamlessly and for an unfor-
            of laughter, joy, good music  new friendships, make new  DJ Envy, DJ Aktive and DJ  thony, a multifaceted actor,  gettable night.
            and long lasting connections  lifelong memories and gain a  Outkast.                   comedian and former col-
            made.                        new home away from home,                                  lege football player. Growing  The headliner for this night
                                         with  the  added  bonus  of  Although many of the tourist  up with a childhood many  was the one and only Earth-
            The Soul Beach Music Festi-  great music and a wonder-    visiting our island during this  would consider challenging,  quake, with almost 30 years
            val is more than just a mu-  ful experience.              time can enjoy of an array  he used comedy as a way  of selling out rooms all over
            sic  festival,  for  the  past  22                        of activities and parties prior  out of difficult situations and  the  United  States  and  the
            editions of the festival it has  This year’s edition featured  to the festival, it consists of  a way to make new friends.  world under his belt. Born Na-
                                                                      3  main  concerts  that  take  While  working  his  day  job  thaniel Stroman, he has mas-
                                                                      place on                     he  started  performing  at  tered his craft as a beloved
                                                                      Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  various comedy clubs and  comedian, actor, voice artist
                                                                                                   eventually went on to tour  and radio personality. He has
                                                                      Friday kicks off the main con-  nationwide  as  the  feature  exceeded his own expecta-
                                                                      certs with a Comedy Night    act  with  legendary  come-  tions as he continues to thrive
                                                                      This night was kicked off by  dian Sinbad.                in the comedy arena, as well
                                                                                                                                as the success of his critically
                                                                                                                                acclaimed comedy special
                                                                                                                                Chappelle’s  home  Team  -
                                                                                                                                Earthquake: Legendary for
                                                                                                                                Netflix, which was honored
                                                                                                                                as  the  Comedy  Special  of
                                                                                                                                the Year for that year by the
                                                                                                                                New York Times.

                                                                                                                                Earthquake was a natural on
                                                                                                                                stage.  He  made  the  night
                                                                                                                                feel as though it was a hang
                                                                                                                                out session between friends
                                                                                                                                telling  each  other  stories,
                                                                                                                                keeping it all relatable and
                                                                                                                                using experiences that every-
                                                                                                                                one in the venue could re-
                                                                                                                                late to and have a laugh to.
                                                                                                                                It was a genuine exchange
                                                                                                                                of  laughter  between  him
                                                                                                                                and the audience, making
                                                                                                                                the joy a tangible feeling for
                                                                                                                                everyone present.q
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