Page 7 - KPA DEC 30, 2014
P. 7

Un accidente y dos detencion
pariba di Olde Molen

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Dos polisnan a keda cu nan paña tur THE MAIL SERVICE IMPROVED. Would you believe we got a Christmas card on time, from
homber burachi a keda deteni sushi tambe pa motibo di mal Miami, mailed December 8th, it arrived in my mail box on December 23rd.Things are improving
dialuna marduga. Un di nan ta comportacion di e persona aki. at Post Aruba.
chauffeur di e auto accidenta El a resisti detencion. E tabata MORE DOG FOOD. JUST4PET, popular in Italiëstraat, opened another outlet, a mega store be-
riba un palo di luz y e otro kier a stroba polis su trabou tween Aurora funeral home and Kooyman Mega Store, a three-in-one emporium, with a grooming
tabata acompaña e chauffeur ora di transporta e chauffeur cu salon and spa, an Animal Health Veterinary Clinic and a complete pet supply store. They wished
den e auto. Polis a wordo a accidenta cu e auto. E grado their furry clients and owners a very woofy holiday, from the new location!
manda pa un desgracia di auto di pasenshi di polis tabata hopi I’M DREAMING OF A GREEN CHRISTMAS. Elmar employee Christmas party at Divi Phoe-
na prome instante. Ora cu halto. Cada biaha e tabata para nix Beach Resort, contrary to its sister company WEB, cut back expenses, rather than overindulge.
polis a yega na e lugar a mira dilanti di polis y ta falta respet. Elmar decided as a sign of solidarity with the people of Aruba to create a green party and reduce
cu un van a ranca un palo di Polisnan a tolera e persona aki expenses, in the spirit of the times. Inge van Roon, Robert Lee and Marrit Fleur, the Divi events
luz completo. Ora a bai atende basta hopi. Personal di Elmar & catering team, helped organize a fun outdoor party with LED lighting of the bar and beach,
cu e chauffeur a constata cu e a wordo yama pa e parti di e which turned out fantastic. Moreover, Elmar really went greener this year by using the Aruban
ta bebi y pesey a bai over na palo di luz ranca. E auto a keda breeze as their air-conditioning! The night started with exceptional dinner and enchanting music
detencion. E amigo den e van un banda. No tabata necesario by Tico Kock and his steel band and concluded with the extended repertory of Ofo Escudero’s
a cuminsa haci fastioso y falta pa presencia di ambulance. E N’Fuzion, that had everybody dancing under the stars. On behalf of common sense, we would like
respet pa polis. E tabata gaba auto tabata basta kibra.  to congratulate the company for being a positive trendsetter!!
tambe cu e ta un hende den DIAMOND INTERNATIONAL EXPANDS. While visiting the store for the annual holiday fes-
farandula. E tabata basta bebi tivities we learned that Diamond International will be expanding in a most significant way, when
tambe. Na dado e pasahero aki the current location is completely remodeled. According to manager Keisha Williams, you ain’t
a bai asina leu di manda un seen nothing yet! The newly revamped store will feature a number of stores within the mega
skop riba polis. Eynan polis store carrying famous and exclusive brands such as John Hardy, Ivanka Trump, Rebecca, Roberto
a reacciona y ta tera cune Coin, Tacori and Yvel, besides many amazing, world-class watch brands and a great selection
y ta detene mesora. Asina of uniquely cut diamonds and Tanzanites. Rhona Noguera, Advertising & Events Coordinator,
a termina cu dos detencion helped orchestrate a much-enjoyed evening of indulgent luxury shopping which started early, and
na e sitio. Awa tabata cay y finished late, over bubbly and hors d’oeuvres!
A SHARK AT PRADA. I strolled through the new Prada store in Aruba, and tiptoed around the
very classy retro looking, black & white decor and ceiling-high shelves stocked with minimalistic
design bags and totes, sporting astounding price tags. Apparently, designers are raising prices to
increase their appeal. Yes, you heard me right. The more expensive, the more desirable it is, and up
at least 60%, in the last ten years. I read on line that Prada raises its prices in order to attract new,
wealthier customers, which are living to show the more exclusive products off. OK, I know, some
people just have to have the latest, buying pre-season at full price, and living on the cutting edge of
fashion. But I will always wait for the discount and get it a season later at half price. So what? No
one I knows, right?! Who can tell the difference? Bottom line, if the demand is there, brands will
continue to increase their prices, mostly because there are more people able to afford everything!
So while strolling through the gorgeous, muted and understated store, an adorable sales girl called
Shark escorted me, and we chitchatted. It was a good experience. Congratulations to the Renais-
sance Mall for this new addition, it’s a feather in their cap! What’s next, Hermes? Chanel? PS.
Prada is among top ten most expensive bag brands in the world. The Italian fashion house has been
in business since 1913, and makes clothing, jewelry, perfumes, footwear and watches.
TRANSCEND MAGAZINE. Transcend magazine is a new publication, marketed as: Your sus-
tainability source for the ABC islands. The magazine is the initiative of the ABJLGroup, Architect
Greg Lacle, Founder Jossy Lacle, and Operations Manager Reynald Geerman. They entrusted
Kenneth Giel, Manager, and Rosalie Klein, Chief Editor with the production of the publication.
The first edition with 42 full-color pages of valuable information regarding sustainability was just
published mid-December. The launch party at Pepia Est on Schotlandstaat was short on speeches,
some dignitaries no-showed, but generous with cocktails, befitting the party location. The new
bi-monthly hopes to keep us all informed of the latest developments on how to reduce our carbon
footprint and increase our savings, with sustainability as the common thread for all topics dis-
cussed. Our own green hotelier Ewald Biemans owner/operator of the Bucuti Beach Resort &
Tara Suites was featured as an environmental pioneer, in the first edition. Other interesting articles
covered the Amistad conference, the facelift of downtown Oranjestad and Expo Cas 2014.
EXPENSIVE CHICKEN WINGS. Chalo Burger moved to Noord at a very central location, pa
bien, introducing frilly prices with the new spot, namely 4 chicken wings for Awg 20. My market
research assistant who is a chicken wing lover reported to me that at the recently remodeled Cham-
pions restaurant at the Marriott Ocean Club, 6 chicken wings are served with all the trimmings for
just Awg 25. Chalo Burger’s menu is also misleading: All items boast both $ and Afl. I imagine
payment depends on the client, dollars for tourists, florins for locals.
PESSIMISTIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. We received a holiday greeting from the cham-
ber of commerce with three Christmas balls, bearing different messages. It went the following:
First - Thinking on closing your business, cancel it before December 31st. Second - Remember to
keep your company information up to date. Third - 2015 Resolutions: Prepare your annual finan-
cial report on time. Dear KVK, if this is your wish for me in the coming year, please stop sending
me holiday cards!
SPARKLING MEANS FESTIVE. I recently read that Madame de Pompadour, who was a high-
class dame advised her followers that Champagne is the only wine that leaves a woman beautiful
after drinking it. I have to agree, I always look better with a flute of champagne in my hand. I saw
a lot of bottles on store shelves, some stuff I didn’t know, but would love to meet and experience:
The Italian Moscato Spumante Dolce by the Fiorini family, the Vietti Moscato d’Asti, the Chilean
Undurraga Sparkling Demi-Sec or Brut, with the orange label, and the Champagne Duval-Leroy
Brut Rose, which I am partial to having enjoyed it during a fun wedding, just recently. Remember
Brut reflects a drier style, Demi Sec, is a bit sweeter than Brut, and Extra Dry comes between Demi
Sec and Brut. As a rule, you’re better off with bubbly that is not too sweet, your energy will last
longer! But if you insist on sweet, anything with Dolce would do. Happy New year!
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