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                                                                                       Thursday                            and alive
                                                                                      March 24, 2022
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                                                                                                                                           Page 9
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
             Madeleine Albright, 1st female U.S. secretary of state, dies

            By  MATTHEW  LEE  AP  Diplo-  bright was the highest-rank-
            matic Writer                 ing woman in the history of
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  U.S.  government.  She  was
            Madeleine Albright, a child  not in the line of succession
            refugee  from  Nazi-  and  to  the  presidency,  how-
            then     Soviet-dominated  ever,  because  she  was  a
            eastern  Europe  who  rose  native of Prague. The glass
            to become the 1st female  ceiling that she broke was
            U.S. secretary of state and  universally  admired,  even
            a  mentor  to  many  cur-    by her political detractors.
            rent  and  former  American  In  announcing  her  death
            statesmen and women, has  on  Twitter,  Albright’s  fam-
            died  of  cancer,  her  family  ily  said  she  died  of  can-
            said  Wednesday.  She  was  cer  and  was  surrounded
            84.  A  lifelong  Democrat  by family and friends: “We
            who  nonetheless  worked  have  lost  a  loving  mother,
            to  bring  Republicans  into  grandmother,  sister,  aunt
            her orbit, Albright was cho-  and friend,” the statement
            sen in 1996 by President Bill  said.  Clinton  called  her
            Clinton  to  be  America’s  “one of the finest Secretar-
            top diplomat, elevating her  ies of State, an outstanding
            from  her  post  as  U.S.  am-  U.N. Ambassador, a brilliant
            bassador to the United Na-   professor, and an extraordi-
            tions, where she had been  nary human being.”
            only the second woman to                                  Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright speaks during the second day of the Democratic
            hold that job.                       Continued on Page 2  National Convention in Philadelphia, July 26, 2016.
            As  secretary  of  state,  Al-                                                                                                  Associated Press
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