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A6   U.S. NEWS
                  Wednesday 4 March 2020
            Tensions rise as U.S. death toll from coronavirus reaches 9

            By  GENE  JOHNSON  and                                                                                              options  and  other  prob-
            CARLA K. JOHNSON                                                                                                    lems  as  health  authorities
            Associated Press                                                                                                    scramble  to  deal  with  the
            SEATTLE (AP) — Tensions over                                                                                        crisis.
            how  to  contain  the  coro-                                                                                        "The people across my state
            navirus  escalated  Tuesday                                                                                         are really scared. I'm hear-
            in the United States as the                                                                                         ing  from  people  who  are
            death  toll  climbed  to  nine                                                                                      sick, who want to get test-
            and  lawmakers  expressed                                                                                           ed  and  don't  know  where
            doubts  about  the  govern-                                                                                         to go," Murray said. "It's un-
            ment's  ability  to  ramp  up                                                                                       acceptable that people in
            testing fast enough to deal                                                                                         my state can't even get an
            with the crisis.                                                                                                    answer as to whether or not
            All of the deaths have oc-                                                                                          they are infected."
            curred in Washington state,                                                                                         One  lab  was  already  test-
            and  most  were  residents                                                                                          ing for coronavirus in Wash-
            of  a  nursing  home  in  sub-                                                                                      ington state and a second
            urban  Seattle.  The  num-                                                                                          was  scheduled  to  begin
            ber of infections in the U.S.                                                                                       doing so Tuesday.
            overall  climbed  past  100,                                                                                        Amid  the  rising  fears,  a
            scattered  across  at  least                                                                                        school  district  north  of  Se-
            15  states,  with  27  cases  in                                                                                    attle closed for training on
            Washington alone.                                                                                                   conducting  remote  les-
            "What is happening now in                                                                                           sons  via  computer  in  case
            the  United  States  may  be                                                                                        schools  have  to  be  shut
            the  beginning  of  what  is                                                                                        down for an extended pe-
            happening  abroad,"  said                                                                                           riod, while a private school
            Dr.  Nancy  Messonnier  of                                                                                          said  it  would  conduct  on-
            the  Centers  for  Disease                                                                                          line-only  classes  through
            Control  and  Prevention,                                                                                           the end of March.
            noting that in China, where                                                                                         "We do not feel it is prudent
            the  outbreak  began  more                                                                                          to wait until there is a known
            than two months ago, old-                                                                                           case  to  take  action,"  the
            er  and  sicker  people  are                                                                                        school, Eastside Prep in the
            about twice as likely to be-                                                                                        Seattle  suburb  of  Kirkland,
            come  seriously  ill  as  those                                                                                     said on its website.
            who  are  younger  and       A man wearing a mask and goggles rides his bike out of the parking lot at the Life Care Center is   A  Department  of  Home-
            healthier. Most cases have   shown in Kirkland, Wash., near Seattle, Tuesday, March 3, 2020.                        land  Security  facility  just
            been mild.                                                                                         Associated Press   south  of  Seattle  instructed
            The nursing home outbreak                                                                                           all  its  employees  to  work
            apparently  seeded  the  but  wish  they  knew  more  on the day, or 2.9%.             "I'm  hearing  from  health  from  home  after  a  worker
            first case in North Carolina,  about the virus.           "We  have  seen  a  broader  professionals that's unrealis-  became ill after visiting the
            authorities  said.  A  Wake  "It's  crazy.  A  couple  of  spread of the virus. So, we  tic," Democratic Sen. Patty  nursing home at the center
            County  resident  who  had  weeks  ago,  it  seemed  like  saw a risk to the economy  Murray of Washington state  of the outbreak.
            visited   the   Washington  a  foreign  thing  and  now  and we chose to act," Fed  said at a Senate hearing.       Elsewhere    around    the
            state  nursing  home  tested  we're getting tested," Grim-  Chairman  Jerome  Powell  The chief of the Food and  world,  the  crisis  continued
            positive but is in isolation at  stad said. "If I was exposed  said.                   Drug  Administration,  Dr.  to  ebb  in  China,  where
            home and is doing well, ac-  a month ago, the problem  Also,  the  Food  and  Drug  Stephen  Hahn,  said  the  hundreds  of  patients  were
            cording to the North Caro-   is  more  widespread  than  and  Administration  sought  FDA has been working with  released from hospitals and
            lina governor's office.      we know."                    to ease a shortage of face  a  private  company  to  get  new infections dropped to
            In  suburban  Seattle,  27  In  the  nation's  capital,  of-  masks  by  giving  health  as  many  as  2,500  test  kits  just  125  on  Tuesday,  the
            firefighters  and  paramed-  ficials moved on a number  care workers the OK to use  out  to  labs  by  the  end  of  lowest  in  several  weeks.
            ics who responded to calls  of fronts.                    an  industrial  type  of  res-  the  week.  Each  kit  should  But  the  crisis  seemed  to
            at  the  nursing  home  were  A  bipartisan  $7.5  billion  pirator  mask  designed  to  enable a lab to run about  shift westward, with alarm-
            tested for the virus Tuesday  emergency bill to fund the  protect construction crews  500 tests, he said. But health  ingly  fast-growing  clusters
            using  a  drive-thru  system  government's  response  to  from dust and debris.        officials were careful about  of infections and deaths in
            set up in a hospital parking  the  outbreak  worked  its  Lawmakers     on   Capitol  making promises.              South Korea, Iran and Italy.
            area.                        way through Congress.        Hill  expressed  skepticism  "I am optimistic, but I want  Worldwide,   more    than
            Thirty-year-old   firefighter  The  Federal  Reserve  an-  about  U.S.  health  officials'  to  remain  humble,"  said  92,000  people  have  been
            Kevin Grimstad took care of  nounced      the   biggest  claims  that  testing  for  the  Dr.  Anne  Schuchat  of  the  sickened  and  3,100  have
            two patients Jan. 29 at Life  interest-rate  cut  in  over  new virus should be widely  CDC.                        died,  the  vast  majority  of
            Care Center in Kirkland. He  a  decade  to  try  to  fend  available soon.             In  Washington  state,  re-  them in China. Most cases
            is  among  10  from  the  Kirk-  off  damage  to  the  U.S.  CDC  test  kits  delivered  to  searchers  believe  the  virus  have been mild.
            land  Fire  Department  who  economy from the factory  states and cities in January  may have been circulating  "What  China  shows  is  that
            developed symptoms after  shutdowns,  travel  restric-    proved faulty.               undetected for weeks. That  early   containment    and
            calls to the nursing facility.   tions  and  other  disruptions  Authorities  have  said  labs  has  raised  fears  that  there  identification of cases can
            Grimstad,  his  wife  and  around the globe. On Wall  across  the  country  should  could be hundreds of undi-      work,  but  we  now  need
            6-month-old  son  have  tak-  Street,  stocks  rallied  briefly  have  the  capacity  to  run  agnosed cases in the area.  to implement that in other
            en turns recovering from fe-  on the news, then went into  as many as 1 million tests by  But some people who want  countries," said Dr. Nathalie
            vers,  coughs  and  conges-  another  steep  slide,  with  the end of the week.        to be tested for the virus in  MacDermott, an infectious-
            tion.                        the  Dow  Jones  Industrial  But testing so far has faced  the state are encountering  diseases  expert  at  King's
            They're  all  feeling  better,  Average  losing  785  points  delays  and  missteps,  and  confusion, a lack of testing  College London.q
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