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P. 19
Friday COVID-19
March 13, 2020 on Aruba
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Virus testing is 'failing,' leaving cases uncounted
By MIKE STOBBE and The effort initially was hob-
MATTHEW PERRONE bled by delays in getting
Associated Press testing kits out to public
NEW YORK (AP) — Seven health labs, but the stum-
weeks have passed since bles have continued, lead-
the first U.S. case of coro- ing scientists to conclude
navirus was announced, that the virus has taken root
and the government is fail- in more places than gov-
ing to account for what ernment officials say.
could be thousands of ad- Large-scale testing is a
ditional infections because critical part of tracking the
of ongoing problems with spread of infectious diseas-
testing. es and allocating resourc-
"The system is not really es for treatment. The lack
geared to what we need of comprehensive figures
right now," said Dr. Anthony means U.S. health provid-
Fauci, the top infectious ers could quickly be over-
disease expert at the Na- whelmed by undetected Dr. Anthony Fauci, left, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks
tional Institutes of Health. cases. with Rep. Tom Suozzi, D-N.Y., right, after updating members of Congress on the coronavirus
"That is a failing. It is a fail- outbreak, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 12, 2020.
ing, let's admit it." Continued on Page 2 Associated Press