Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Friday 2 June 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors atLa Cabana Beach Resort & Casino
The Aruba Tourism Author- The three honoring levels Top reasons for returning
ity recently had the great are as follows: to Aruba, provided by the
pleasure to recognize Distinguished Visitor honorees were:
Goodwill Ambassadors of (10>years consecutively The wonderful treatment
Aruba. These Ambassadors visiting Aruba) from the staff members at
were respectively honored Goodwill Ambassador the La cabana Beach Re-
with a certificate acknowl- (20>years consecutively sort & Casino
edging their years of visits, visiting Aruba) Sunny weather – Especially
loyalty, and love for the is- Emerald Ambassador during April & May
land of Aruba. (35>years consecutively Aruba’s warm & friendly
visiting Aruba) people
The honor certification is Aruba’s variety of restau-
presented on behalf of the The honorees were: rants to choose from!
Minister of Tourism as a to- Goodwill Ambassadors “So many activities to do
ken of appreciation and Mr. Anthony Averso & Mrs. around the island”
to say “Masha Danki” to Catherine Catalano from
guests whom have visited New York, United States. On behalf of the Aruba
Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or Tourism Authority, and with gifts, and also thanked Tourism Authority, we
more consecutively. Ms. Kimberley Richardson staff members of the La them for choosing Aruba as would like to express our
representing the Aruba Cabana Beach Resort & their favorite vacation des- sincere gratitude and ap-
Casinobestowed the Am- tination and their home- preciation to the honorees
bassador certificate to the away-from-home. for their continued visits to
Let us value, cherish and honorees, presented them the “One Happy Island”. q
protect Papiamento Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD - On May culture of our island.
21, 2023, it was exactly 20 ORANJESTAD — You are back and we
years ago that the Parlia- According to the pilot Cen- would like to portrait you! By inviting you
ment of Aruba approved sus in 2019, Papiamento is to send us your favorite vacation picture
Papiamento as an official the language most spo- while enjoying our Happy Island.
language alongside Dutch. ken at home. Of the four
most spoken languages, Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is
Since this date, one can 80% speak Papiamento at ……. Send your picture with that text (in-
draft official correspon- home. cluding your name and where you are
dence in Papiamento or from) to: and we
Dutch. Most immigrants in Aruba, will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t
58%, speak Papiamento at that a special way to keep your best mo-
Papiamento is a national home. This data indicates ments alive? Please do note: By submitting
identity symbol that is part that Papiamento is the photos, text or any other materials, you
of our cultural heritage most preferred language give permission to The Aruba Today News-
and is the most used tool spoken in Aruba. paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any from Doug and Wendi Foley from Henry,
in our communication. Pa- of its affiliated companies to use said ma- Virginia.
piamento is the native lan- The Minister of Culture Xio- terials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for
guage spoken by the ma- mara Maduro calls on ev- promotional purposes without compensa- They wrote to us saying; “Aruba to me is a
jority of the community. eryone to think about the tion. place where my husband and I can totally
value of our Papiamento. Last but not least: check out our website, relax. The people are so friendly and wel-
It is the backbone of our Speaking and writing Pa- Instagram and Facebook page! Thank coming, we always feel at home. Aruba is
history and development. piamento is a responsibility you for supporting our free newspaper, we our happy place.”
It is the heart of our culture. of all of us. Let's value, cher- strive to make you a happy reader every
Papiamento unites us as ish and protect our Papia- day again. Thank you for sending us this wonderful
a community and inspires mento for our generation message sharing what Aruba means to
love and respect for the and future generations.q For today we received a lovely message you with us and our readers!q