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P. 10
LOCAL Wednesday 26 april 2023
Guus Weltings and Piet van Oosterhout prepare to run marathon to
raise funding for Trampolin pa Trabou
(Oranjestad)—On May Leeuwen as their driver, for “The foundation doesn’t
12th, the 31st edition of a while, but they wanted get much subsidy for the
the ‘Ronde van Aruba’ their participating to go to work they do, so they really
marathon will take place. something. need all the help they can
Guus Weltings and Piet van get,” Weltings stated.
Oosterhout are preparing “We found our reason to
for their participation in this do the marathon when we For more information on
big event to raise funding started talking about rais- how to donate or other
for the ‘Trampolin pa Tra- ing funds for a local foun- matters, visit the Facebook
bou’ Foundation. In a inter- dation, Weltings indicated. page “Down the Road Aru-
view with ArubaToday, they ba” or their website, www.
talked about their goals They chose Trampolin pa downtheroadaruba.comq
and what led them to par- Trabou, because Ooster-
ticipate in this marathon. hout has a sibling with dis-
abilities living in The Nether-
Guus Weltings works and lands. People with disabili-
an account manager at ties have a lesser chance
The Lab marketing agency in getting a job in the labor
and Piet van Oosterhout market, and in Aruba, that
is a primary school teach- chance is even slimmer. For
er at De Schakel. Joey this reason, they decided
van Leeuwen, their driver to give all their proceeds to
throughout this event cur- the foundation as to help
rently works at the Marine them raise awareness and
Corps in the Savaneta dis- more resources to keep
trict. helping people with dis-
Both Weltings and van
Leeuwen’s partners are According to them, the
primary school teachers at foundation will be using
De Schakel and this is how the money raised to im-
they met. The men have prove their facility. They will
also played soccer togeth- be renovating a container
er for the team S.V. Mercu- unit so that they can keep
rius Aruba. guiding and training their
clients. Besides this, they
They explained that the fo- need tables, chairs, air
cus for this initiative was to conditioning and more.
raise funding for the Tram-
polin pa Trabou Founda- Besides the renovation,
tion, a foundation that there are other facilities
supports people with dis- that need to be improved.
abilities and help give them Some of these include the
more opportunities within roof of a veranda that is
the labor market on Aruba. almost completely wasted
away, but also the pro-
Both Weltings and Ooster- fessional kitchen that the
hout were already plan- foundation uses to cook
ning on participating in food.
the marathon, with van