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                   Tuesday 27 augusT 2024
            Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports.

            Will they hold up in court?

                                                                                                                                scholar  Andrew  Ferguson
            Continued from Front                                                                                                would  like  to  see  more  of
                                                                                                                                a  public  discussion  about
            Oklahoma City's police de-                                                                                          the  benefits  and  potential
            partment is one of a hand-                                                                                          harms.  For  one  thing,  the
            ful  to  experiment  with  AI                                                                                       large language models be-
            chatbots  to  produce  the                                                                                          hind AI chatbots are prone
            first  drafts  of  incident  re-                                                                                    to  making  up  false  infor-
            ports. Police officers who've                                                                                       mation,  a  problem  known
            tried it are enthused about                                                                                         as hallucination that could
            the  time-saving  technolo-                                                                                         add convincing and hard-
            gy, while some prosecutors,                                                                                         to-notice falsehoods into a
            police  watchdogs  and  le-                                                                                         police report.
            gal scholars have concerns                                                                                          "I am concerned that auto-
            about how it could alter a                                                                                          mation and the ease of the
            fundamental  document  in                                                                                           technology  would  cause
            the  criminal  justice  system                                                                                      police officers to be sort of
            that plays a role in who gets                                                                                       less  careful  with  their  writ-
            prosecuted or imprisoned.                                                                                           ing,"  said  Ferguson,  a  law
            Built  with  the  same  tech-                                                                                       professor  at  American  Uni-
            nology  as  ChatGPT  and                                                                                            versity  working  on  what's
            sold  by  Axon,  best  known                                                                                        expected  to  be  the  first
            for  developing  the  Taser   Draft  One,  an  AI  powered  software  that  creates  police  reports  from  body  cam  audio,  is   law  review  article  on  the
                                         demonstrated on  a  screen  at Oklahoma City  police headquarters on Friday,  May  31,  2024 in
            and  as  the  dominant  U.S.   Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.                                                             emerging technology.
            supplier  of  body  cameras,                                                                       Associated Press  Ferguson  said  a  police
            it could become what Gil-                                                                                           report  is  important  in  de-
            bert  describes  as  another  But  the  introduction  of  AI-  Capt.  Jason  Bussert,  who  in  the  product  unveiled  in  termining  whether  an  of-
            "game changer" for police  generated police reports is  handles  information  tech-    April during its annual com-  ficer's  suspicion  "justifies
            work.                        so new that there are few,  nology for the 1,170-officer  pany conference for police  someone's  loss  of  liberty."
            "They become police offic-   if  any,  guardrails  guiding  department.                officials.                   It's sometimes the only tes-
            ers  because  they  want  to  their use.                  That's  not  the  case  in  an-  The  technology  relies  on  timony  a  judge  sees,  es-
            do police work, and spend-   Concerns  about  society's  other  city,  Lafayette,  Indi-  the  same  generative  AI  pecially  for  misdemeanor
            ing  half  their  day  doing  racial biases and prejudic-  ana,  where  Police  Chief  model  that  powers  Chat-   crimes.
            data entry is just a tedious  es getting built into AI tech-  Scott Galloway told the AP  GPT, made by San Francis-  Human-generated  police
            part  of  the  job  that  they  nology are just part of what  that  all  of  his  officers  can  co-based OpenAI. OpenAI  reports  also  have  flaws,
            hate,"  said  Axon's  founder  Oklahoma City community  use Draft One on any kind  is  a  close  business  partner  Ferguson  said,  but  it's  an
            and  CEO  Rick  Smith,  de-  activist  aurelius  francisco  of  case  and  it's  been  "in-  with Microsoft, which is Ax-  open question as to which
            scribing  the  new  AI  prod-  finds   "deeply   troubling"  credibly popular" since the  on's cloud computing pro-  is more reliable.
            uct — called Draft One —  about the new tool, which  pilot began earlier this year.    vider.                       For  some  officers  who've
            as having the "most positive  he learned about from The  Or in Fort Collins, Colorado,  "We  use  the  same  under-  tried it, it is already chang-
            reaction"  of  any  product  Associated  Press."The  fact  where  police  Sgt.  Robert  lying  technology  as  Chat-  ing  how  they  respond  to
            the  company  has  intro-    that  the  technology  is  be-  Younger  said  officers  are  GPT,  but  we  have  access  a  reported  crime.  They're
            duced.                       ing used by the same com-    free  to  use  it  on  any  type  to  more  knobs  and  dials  narrating  what's  happen-
            "Now, there's certainly con-  pany that provides Tasers to  of  report,  though  they  dis-  than  an  actual  ChatGPT  ing  so  the  camera  better
            cerns,"  Smith  added.  In  the department is alarming  covered  it  doesn't  work  user  would  have,"  said  captures what they'd want
            particular,  he  said  district  enough,"  said  francisco,  a  well on patrols of the city's  Noah  Spitzer-Williams,  who  to put in writing.
            attorneys  prosecuting  a  co-founder of the Founda-      downtown  bar  district  be-  manages  Axon's  AI  prod-  As the technology catches
            criminal  case  want  to  be  tion  for  Liberating  Minds  in  cause  of  an  "overwhelm-  ucts.  Turning  down  the  on,  Bussert  expects  offic-
            sure  that  police  officers  —  Oklahoma City.           ing amount of noise."Along  "creativity  dial"  helps  the  ers will become "more and
            not solely an AI chatbot —  He  said  automating  those  with using AI to analyze and  model stick to facts so that  more  verbal"  in  describing
            are  responsible  for  author-  reports  will  "ease  the  po-  summarize  the  audio  re-  it "doesn't embellish or hal-  what's in front of them.
            ing  their  reports  because  lice's  ability  to  harass,  sur-  cording, Axon experiment-  lucinate  in  the  same  ways  After  Bussert  loaded  the
            they may have to testify in  veil  and  inflict  violence  ed with computer vision to  that  you  would  find  if  you  video  of  a  traffic  stop  into
            court about what they wit-   on  community  members.  summarize  what's  "seen"  in  were just using ChatGPT on  the  system  and  pressed  a
            nessed.                      While making the cop's job  the  video  footage,  before  its own," he said.           button,  the  program  pro-
            "They never want to get an  easier,  it  makes  Black  and  quickly  realizing  that  the  Axon won't say how many  duced a narrative-style re-
            officer  on  the  stand  who  brown  people's  lives  hard-  technology was not ready.  police departments are us-  port  in  conversational  lan-
            says,  well,  'The  AI  wrote  er."                       "Given  all  the  sensitivities  ing the technology. It's not  guage that included dates
            that, I didn't,'" Smith said.  Before trying out the tool in  around  policing,  around  the  only  vendor,  with  star-  and times, just like an offic-
            AI  technology  is  not  new  Oklahoma City, police offi-  race  and  other  identities  tups  like  er would have typed from
            to  police  agencies,  which  cials showed it to local pros-  of  people  involved,  that's  and  Truleo  pitching  similar  his notes, all based on au-
            have  adopted  algorithmic  ecutors who advised some  an area where I think we're  products.  But  given  Axon's  dio from the body camera.
            tools to read license plates,  caution  before  using  it  on  going to have to do some  deep  relationship  with  po-  "It was literally seconds," Gil-
            recognize  suspects'  faces,  high-stakes  criminal  cases.  real work before we would  lice  departments  that  buy  more said, "and it was done
            detect gunshot sounds and  For  now,  it's  only  used  for  introduce  it,"  said  Smith,  its  Tasers  and  body  cam-  to  the  point  where  I  was
            predict where crimes might  minor  incident  reports  that  the  Axon  CEO,  describing  eras, experts and police of-  like,  'I  don't  have  anything
            occur.  Many  of  those  ap-  don't lead to someone get-  some of the tested respons-  ficials expect AI-generated  to change.'"
            plications have come with  ting arrested.                 es as not "overtly racist" but  reports  to  become  more  At  the  end  of  the  report,
            privacy and civil rights con-  "So  no  arrests,  no  felonies,  insensitive in other ways.  ubiquitous  in  the  coming  the officer must click a box
            cerns and attempts by leg-   no  violent  crimes,"  said  Those experiments led Axon  months and years.             that indicates it was gener-
            islators  to  set  safeguards.  Oklahoma   City   police  to focus squarely on audio  Before that happens, legal  ated with the use of AI.q
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