Page 18 - ATA
P. 18

                       Friday 6 april 2018

                 Letter to the Editor

                                                      Stef Blok
                                                      Minister of Foreign Affairs

                                                      Aruba, 3 April 2018

                                                      We are reaching out to you on behalf of SOY VENEZUELA, a Citizen Alliance composed
                                                      of political and social coalition, currently fighting the present Dictatorial regime in Ven-
                                                      ezuela to recover democracy.
                                                      Names such as Maria Corina Machado (political activist), Antonio Ledezma (ex Metro-
                                                      politan Mayor and now political refugee), Tamara Suju (Human Rights defender), Patri-
                                                      cia Betancourt (Coordinator of the NGO “VenEuropa”) and Diego Arria (ex President
                                                      of the UN Security Council) to name a few, are involved in this NGO.
                                                      As you are probably aware of, there are more than 4 Million Venezuelans living in ex-
                                                      ile They will continue fleeing at an unprecedented rate in order to find safe haven in
                                                      neighboring countries such as, Colombia and Brazil, but also the Caribbean islands.
                                                      According  to  David  Beasley,  executive  Director  of  the  World  Food  Program  of  the
                                                      United Nations System (PMA), there are 35,000 Venezuelans fleeing daily to Colombia
                                                      because of lack of food, medicine and personal security among other issues.  Also,
                                                      Venezuelans face problems such as shortage of electricity and water, a collapse on
                                                      the currency leading to one of the highest hyperinflation in the world and continuous
                                                      violations of human rights. Furthermore, the United Nations High Commissioner for Hu-
                                                      man Rights highlighted that mass migrations puts the security of neighboring countries
                                                      on alert.
                                                      In the case of Aruba and Curacao, we are aware that a large number of Venezuelans
                                                      have been deported; nonetheless, the refugees will keep coming, willing to risk their
                                                      lives by taking the high seas in small rafts seeking a better future.
                                                      The underlying problem is that the regime in Venezuela denies the existence of this
                                                      crisis, and at the same time is rejecting humanitarian aid offered by several countries
                                                      and multilateral organizations. This matter was evidenced clearly in the letter from the
                                                      Secretary of The Vatican, Cardinal Prieto Paroli.

                                                      On these grounds, we formally request that all necessary measures be adopted for the
                                                      coercive Humanitarian intervention of Venezuela, from all democratic countries and
                                                      international organizations in order to overcome the extremely precarious situation pre-
                                                      vailing in our country.
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