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             Wednesday 30 september 2020
            Worldwide death toll from coronavirus eclipses 1 million

            Continued from Front                                                                                                edy,  millions  of  deaths  are
                                                                                                                                a statistic. The pandemic’s
            That  is  far  more  than  any                                                                                      toll of 1 million dead in such
            other    country,   despite                                                                                         a limited time rivals some of
            America’s    wealth    and                                                                                          the gravest threats to pub-
            medical resources.                                                                                                  lic health, past and present.
            “I  can  understand  why  ...                                                                                       It  exceeds  annual  deaths
            numbers  are  losing  their                                                                                         from  AIDS,  which  last  year
            power  to  shock,  but  I  still                                                                                    killed about 690,000 people
            think  it’s  really  important                                                                                      worldwide. The virus’s toll is
            that  we  understand  how                                                                                           approaching the 1.5 million
            big  these  numbers  re-                                                                                            global  deaths  each  year
            ally  are,”  said  Mark  Hon-                                                                                       from  tuberculosis,  which
            igsbaum,  author  of  “The                                                                                          regularly  kills  more  people
            Pandemic  Century:  One                                                                                             than  any  other  infectious
            Hundred  Years  of  Panic,                                                                                          disease.  But  “COVID’s  grip
            Hysteria and Hubris.”                                                                                               on  humanity  is  incompa-
            The  global  toll  includes                                                                                         rably greater than the grip
            people     like   Joginder                                                                                          of other causes of death,”
            Chaudhary,  who  was  his                                                                                           said  Lawrence  Gostin,  a
            parents’  greatest  pride,                                                                                          professor  of  global  health
            raised  with  the  little  they                                                                                     law  at  Georgetown  Uni-
            earned farming a half-acre                                                                                          versity.  He  noted  the  un-
            plot in central India to be-  In this Sept. 24, 2020, file photo, cemetery workers place the coffin containing the remains of Jose   employment,  poverty  and
            come the first doctor from   de Arimateia, 65, who died from COVID-19 complications, into a niche at the municipal cemetery   despair  caused  by  the
                                         in Nova Iguacu, Brazil.
            their village.                                                                                     Associated Press   pandemic,  and  deaths
            After  the  virus  killed  the                                                                                      from  myriad  other  illnesses
            27-year-old  Chaudhary  in  his  church  to  the  dead,  on Jan. 11. By the time au-   Brazil  has  recorded  the  that have gone untreated.
            late  July,  his  mother  wept  lining  up  80  coffins  in  the  thorities  locked  down  the  second  most  deaths  af-  For all its lethality, the virus
            inconsolably.  With  her  son  center aisle. After an army  city  nearly  two  weeks  lat-  ter  the  U.S.,  with  about  has claimed far fewer lives
            gone,  Premlata  Chaud-      convoy  carted  them  to  a  er, millions of travelers had  142,000.  India  is  third  and  than the so-called Spanish
            hary  said,  how  could  she  crematory,  another  80  ar-  come  and  gone.  China’s  Mexico  fourth,  with  more  flu, which killed an estimat-
            go  on  living?  Three  weeks  rived. Then 80 more.       government  has  come  in  than  76,000.  The  virus  has  ed  40  million  to  50  million
            later,  on  Aug.  18,  the  virus  Eventually  the  crisis  re-  for  criticism  that  it  did  not  forced  trade-offs  between  worldwide in two years, just
            took her life, too. All told, it  ceded and the world’s at-  do  enough  to  alert  other  safety and economic well-  over a century ago.
            has killed more than 96,000  tention moved on. But the  countries to the threat.       being.  The  choices  made  That  pandemic  came  be-
            in India.                    pandemic’s grasp endures.  Government       leaders   in  have left millions of people  fore  scientists  had  micro-
            “This pandemic has ruined  In August, Carminati buried  countries  like  Germany,  vulnerable,  especially  the  scopes  powerful  enough
            my family,” said the young  his 34-year-old nephew.       South Korea and New Zea-     poor,  minorities  and  the  to  identify  the  enemy  or
            doctor’s  father,  Rajendra  “This  thing  should  make  us  land  worked  effectively  to  elderly.                antibiotics that could treat
            Chaudhary.  “All  our  aspi-  all  reflect.  The  problem  is  contain  it.  Others,  like  U.S.  With so many of the deaths  the  bacterial  pneumonia
            rations, our dreams, every-  that  we  think  we’re  all  im-  President  Donald  Trump  beyond  view  in  hospital  that  killed  most  of  the  vic-
            thing is finished.”          mortal,” the priest said.    and  Brazil’s  Jair  Bolsonaro,  wards  and  clustered  on  tims. In the U.S., the Spanish
            When     the   virus   over-  The  virus  first  appeared  in  dismissed  the  severity  of  society’s margins, the mile-  flu killed about 675,000. But
            whelmed  cemeteries  in  late  2019  in  patients  hos-   the  threat  and  the  guid-  stone  recalls  the  grim  pro-  most  of  those  deaths  did
            the Italian province of Ber-  pitalized  in  the  Chinese  ance of scientists, even as  nouncement often attribut-  not  come  until  a  second
            gamo  last  spring,  the  Rev.  city  of  Wuhan,  where  the  hospitals filled with gravely  ed to Soviet dictator Josef  wave hit over the winter of
            Mario  Carminati  opened  first  death  was  reported  ill patients.                   Stalin: One death is a trag-  1918-19.q

            How can I volunteer for a COVID-19 vaccine study?

                                                                      By The Associated Press      see if a shot causes a risky  virus  for  researchers  to  be
                                                                      How  can  I  volunteer  for  a  reaction  in  people.  Older  able  to  tell  if  the  vaccine
                                                                      COVID-19 vaccine study?      adults,  anyone  with  a  works.  That's  why  essential
                                                                      Governments           and  serious  underlying  illness,  workers,  such  as  grocery
                                                                      companies  are  setting  up  and  pregnant  women  are  or  transportation  workers
                                                                      websites where people can  typically excluded from this  who  come  into  frequent
                                                                      sign  up.Enthusiasm  is  high:  testing stage.            contact  with  others,  are
                                                                      More  than  400,000  people  In   final-stage   studies,  especially  sought  after  for
                                                                      have  signed  a  registry  of  scientists  need  tens  of  the  last  testing  phase.  It's
                                                                      possible  volunteers  that's  thousands  of  volunteers  also  why  researchers  are
                                                                      part of a vaccine network  who reflect the diversity  of  recruiting  in  places  where
                                                                      set up by the U.S. National  the  population,  including  the  virus  is  spreading,  not
                                                                      Institutes of Health.        those at high risk of severe  areas  that  have  it  under
                                                                      But  before  raising  your  illness  from  the  virus.  So  control  —  so  even  if  you
                                                                      hand,  it's  important  to  volunteers   can    include  meet  the  eligibility  criteria,
                                                                      understand     how     the  people  who  are  over  age  you  might  not  be  called
            Belgium's Queen Mathilde, fourth left speaks with a volunteer,   research works.       65 and people with chronic  back, depending on where
            second  right,  as  she  receives  an  injection  at  the  Center  for   Initial   studies   include  health  problems  such  as  you  live.Volunteers  won't
            the  Evaluation  of  Vaccinations  (CEV)  in  Antwerp,  Belgium,   only  a  few  dozen  young,  diabetes.           know  if  they're  getting
            Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press   healthy  volunteers,  since  Enough  study  participants  the  vaccine  or  a  dummy
                                                                      this  is  the  first  chance  to  have to be exposed to the  shot.q
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