Page 43 - ttc nov 19,2015
P. 43

                                                                                                                                                                       Thursday 19 November 2015

More a brand than a souvenir....

 Meet the local guys behind Aruba Rocks!

ORANJESTAD - Aruban de-        Their cool designs launched  pelican, marlin and goat in   guest rate, fresh designs of  mall where all their de-
signer Calvin Maduro and       in April of 2013 depict the  a whimsical colorful man-     the multi colored, crack-     signed items are displayed.
branding expert Jaymir         shoco (burrowing owl, Aru-   ner. All animals sport col-   led prints are continuously   When you buy an Aruba
Janga launched a must-         ba’s national bird) donkey,  orful Ray-ban-style shades    introduced creating a dy-     Rocks product you help
have product line of shirts,                                and a mohawk hairstyle.       namic product line for our    protect Aruba’s valuable
caps, tumblers and stickers                                 Since Aruba is known to       rocking friends.              natural resources and
named Aruba Rocks!                                          be the Caribbean destina-     According to Jaymir, “Our     maintain the attractiveness
                                                            tion with the highest return  aspiration is to combine      of Aruba’s beaches. This
   Calvin explains “We                                                                    locally branded products      will allow all who consider
wanted to differentiate                                                                   with a worthy cause that      Aruba their home-away-
ourselves from other mer-                                                                 will benefit the entire com-  from-home to contribute
chandise on the market                                                                    munity.                       to the protection of the is-
by presenting a changing                                                                  In order to aid in reducing   land’s environment in a re-
design concept with local                                                                 trash and marine debris, we   ally effortless manner.
motif that visitors could en-                                                             started selling Aruba Rocks   Aruba Rocks have found a
joy every vacation”                                                                       reusable and recyclable       way to express their passion
                                                                                          tumblers to many resorts      for their island and design
                                                                                          and beach bars particu-       while contributing to the
                                                                                          larly for beach-goers, to     protection of the island’s
                                                                                          reduce waste from dispos-     environment.
                                                                                          able plastic and styrofoam    For more information you
                                                                                          cups.”                        can follow them on Face-
                                                                                          Aruba Rocks recently
                                                                                          opened their first official   and on Instagram @
                                                                                          store in Paseo Herencia       arubarocks365.q
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