Page 24 - MI TTC 14 SEPT 2015
P. 24
Monday 14 September 2015
Aruba Aloe Celebrates 125 Years
n 1890, the seeds were liter- that “it was an ambitious pharmaceutical giants, the standard treatment Veel. The Aruba Aloe Balm
ally sown for a lasting leg- project for that time—lots sold the business to his here in Aruba.” products attracted an in-
acy near and dear to Aru- of machinery and tech- brother, Jani. In the 1960s, Jani built a ternational audience, put-
ba’s heart. Cornelis Eman nology—but Casey was Jani had a new vision for plant to process the gel to ting the company’s main
embarked on a journey able to achieve produc- put into cosmetics. “You focus on exporting again.
that would have lasting tion of more than 30 per- Aruba Aloe Balm—cos- have to imagine, back In 1986, Henny Eman be-
effects on the island both cent of the world’s aloe at metic products. Explains then nobody in the world came Aruba’s prime min-
economically and cultural- that time, which is a huge Dr. Veel, “Jani knew the knew about Aloe as a ister. Understandably, his
ly. On a dusty plot of land achievement for a little benefits of using the gel ex- cosmetic product, yet he political duties to his coun-
scorched by the sun and company on a tiny island tracted from the leaves… was far ahead of his time, try left little time to run the
wind in the area known as in the Caribbean.” locals had already discov- putting it in lotions and growing Aloe company,
Hato, Cornelis saw growth ered the benefits of using creams,” says Dr. Veel. prompting him to eventu-
and opportunity when Casey’s success was short- the gel as a moisturizer, or For the most part, the Aru- ally sell it to Louis Posner, a
many dismissed Aruba as lived, as the giant pharma- for burns and abrasions; ba Aloe Balm products successful local business-
a place where not much ceutical companies, who you have a skin problem, were only sold in stores and man, in 2000.
of anything of economic were once buying the un- you go straight to the gar- pharmacies on the island. Louis pushed for further
significance was grown or processed Aloin, stopped den, cut open a leaf, and But in 1980, the Eckerd globalization of the brand
harvested. buying any Aloe prod- put the gel on it—that was Pharmacy chain in Flori- and built a modern factory
Although the Dutch intro- ucts—raw or processed— da began importing Aru- next to the original Hato
duced the Aloe vera plant from Aruba Aloe Balm be- ba Aloe Balm products, Aloe fields, with a com-
to the island in the 1840s, it cause they were essential- launching a new era for panion museum offering
was Cornelis’s initiative to ly in competition with them the company. tours. The fields were fur-
cultivate Aloe vera com- for the processed medici- Unfortunately, Jani passed ther cultivated, more prod-
mercially that put Aruba nal product. away a year later. ucts developed, and new
on the map as “The Island Casey, defeated by the Cornelis’s great-grandson, packaging was achieved
of Aloes.” Henny Eman, took over in for the brand’s products.
By 1905, Aruba Aloe Balm, 1984, hiring Professor H.E. “The changes and invest-
Inc. was the world’s big- Junginger, Ph.D, a pharma- ment were remarkable
gest producer of Aloin, a ceutical technology pro- and paid off,” informs Dr.
raw, yellowish substance fessor, and Dr. Koos Veel. Veel, “and to date we
produced from the cells of “We developed a whole have 17 stores in Aruba,
the plant (mainly used as a new line of products—from one in Indianapolis, and
laxative), selling it to phar- shampoos and deodor- one in Amsterdam…we
maceutical companies in- ants to skincare and sun- also have websites in the
ternationally via Curacao. tan products—increasing U.S. and Europe that gen-
Cornelis’s son, Casey, the product line from five erate impressive Internet
eventually took the reins, to 100 products,” says Dr. sales, and more than 80
building a factory to pro- employees locally.” No-
cess the raw aloin for me- tably, Aruba Aloe Balm
dicinal purposes. In an in- also has a medical-grade
terview with Dr. Koos Veel, cream, Alhydran, that is
who has been with Aruba revered by the medical
Aloe Balm for the past 31 community and sold in 28
years, Dr. Veel explains countries for its healing ef-
fects on burns and wounds,
and for the reduction of
scarring of the skin.
Concludes Dr. Veel, “The
Arubans still see Aloe as a
very important part of their
culture and history—you
see it in the Coat of Arms of
Aruba, you see it on some
of the older houses in the
form of decoration (folk-
loric hex signs were once
very popular on homes in
Aruba), and many Arubans
still go right to their gardens
for treatment using their
homegrown Aloe.”q