Page 4 - MIN TTC 17 NOV 2015
P. 4

                                                                                                           Tuesday 17 November 2015

Emerald Ambassador Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

EAGLE BEACH - Recently Millan of Catonsville, Mary- of appreciation for visiting  Ms. Darline de Cuba rep-      Aruba are the weather, the
the Aruba Tourism Author- land as an Emerald Ambas- the island for more than 49   resenting the Aruba Tour-     restaurants, the safety, and
ity honored Ms. Maria Ines sador of Aruba as a token consecutive years!           ism Authority, Visitors care  most of all the people.
                                                                                  Liaison bestowed the cer-     Mr. Ed Loorn was present at
                                                                                  tificate of Emerald Ambas-    the ceremony and handed
                                                                                  sador to the honoree on       out some gifts to Maria and
                                                                                  behalf of the Government      also thanked her on behalf
                                                                                  of Aruba.                     of Paradise Beach Villas.
                                                                                  Ms. De Cuba thanked Ma-       Congratulation Maria; you
                                                                                  ria for choosing Aruba as     hold a special place in
                                                                                  her vacation destination      the hearts of Arubans, and
                                                                                  and as her home away          we look forward to shar-
                                                                                  from home for so many         ing many more years and
                                                                                  years.                        memorable vacation ex-
                                                                                  Maria stated that her main    periences with you.q
                                                                                  reasons for returning to
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