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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 28 OctOber 2022
            Aruban designer Darwin Winklaar receives In the Spotlight Award

            THE HAGUE – Aruban fash-     ster and was given by Hel-
            ion designer, Darwin Wink-   en Kamperveen, winner of
            laar, better known as Niño  the theatre award Colom-
            Divino,  received  from  the  bina 21/22 for best actress.
            Plenipotentiary  Minister  of  Ivette  Forster,  from  Suri-
            Aruba  in  the  Netherlands,  namese  descent,  grew  up
            mr. Ady Thijssen, the In the  in  Aruba  and  currently  is
            Spotlight Award 2022 at the  in  charge  of  the  organiza-
            Bijlmer Park theatre in Am-  tion of the Keto koti, Kwaku
            sterdam.                     and Reggae Lake festivals.
                                         During the last seven years,
            Darwin  is  a  multi-talent-  Ivette  is  programmer  of
            ed  fashion  designer  who  Black Achievement Month.
            makes  use  of  storytelling,
            music,  dance  and  singing  In  the  Spotlight  Award  is
            to express his artistic dispo-  an  initiative  of  Vereniging
            sition.  He  reintroduced  a  Antilliaans  Netwerk,  and
            new  genre  inspired  by  his  the  awards  are  a  design
            Aruban roots: Neo-folkloric.   of  Aruban  artist,  Melvin
            The In the Spotlight Award
            2022 also went to Ivette For-  Image are courtesy of Aruba-

            The fountain of life and inspiration
            Nature is the origin of everything

            ORANJESTAD – The inaugu-     in the festival.             feel everything that nature
            ration of the Festival of Chil-  Mr.  Gino  Vrolijk,  teacher  offers  us.  All  this  makes  us
            dren’s Books 2022 will take  and  author  of  children’s  curious to learn, to find out
            place  on  Friday  the  4th  of  books is giving his all for this  more about and take care
            November  at  Cas  di  Cul-  festival.                    of nature. And one way or
            tura, from 5 to 7pm, with the  The  books  that  Gino  has  another,  we  all  enjoy  na-
            show starting at 6pm.        written  are  ‘Sumpi  e  wan-  ture, be it by walking in the
                                         glo sabi!’, ‘Na caminda pa  mondi – Aruban wilderness
            The  theme  for  this  year  is  e  fiesta  grandi’  and  ‘Ami-  –  swimming  in  the  ocean,
            ‘Biba     Natura-Lesa’[red:  gonan  tur  caminda!’  (co-  see  the  stars  in  the  sky  at
            Naturalesa, the Papiamen-    author). Children can read  night, live or work in the cu-  of Essoville San Nicolas. The  4-8)  at  Colegio  Hilario  An-
            to  word  for  Nature,  con-  or borrow these at the Na-  nucu – Aruban farm – or use  schools that Gino attended  gela Basisschool. In 2004 he
            tains  ‘lesa’  which  means  tional Library.              nature in any other positive  are  Graf  von  Zinzendorf  worked  as  curriculum  de-
            to  read].  Twelve  authors                               way, the point is that we all  Kleuterschool,  Prinses  Irene  veloper at the Department
            and  illustrators  will  present  In the context of the theme  form  part  of  nature.  Biba  School,  John  Wesley  Col-  of  Education  of  Aruba.
            during the week of 7 to 11  for this year, Gino connects  Natura-lesa!”                lege and Colegio Arubano  From  2008  to  2019  he  was
            of  November  in  different  with nature, saying:                                      San Nicolaas y Oranjestad.   director of Fontein Kleuter-
            schools and also at the Na-  “Nature is the origin of ev-  Georgino ‘Gino’ Vrolijk was                              school and from 2019 until
            tional Library in Oranjestad  erything. It is the fountain of  born on the 4th of October  Gino began his professional  now he is practice teacher
            and San Nicolas. More than  life and inspiration. We can  1973.  He  grew  up  in  and  career in 1999 as a teacher  at  the  Pedagogic  Institute
            60 schools are participating  see, hear, smell, taste and  around  the  neighborhood  of first grade (specialization  of Aruba (IPA). q

            Preliminary report on Palo Marga racing track delivered to minister of Sport

                                                                      ORANJESTAD  –  Last  week,  gether with ABM and a rep-    will  be delivered this week
                                                                      invited  by  the  minister  of  resentative  of  the  minister  to the Ministry of Sport.
                                                                      Sport, Mr. Kurt Johnson from  of Sport to make an analy-
                                                                      Total  Venue  Concepts,  a  sis on everything that needs  Minister  of  Sport,  Mr.  Endy
                                                                      professional on the prepa-   to be done in order to get  Croes  expressed  his  hope
                                                                      ration of drag racing tracks  the track certified.        that soon the track can be
                                                                      in  the  United  States,  came                            fixed and approved by in-
                                                                      to Aruba for four days.      Mr.  Johnson  met  with  the  ternational  organizations,
                                                                                                   minister of Sport in order to  so  that  the  drag  racers  in
                                                                      During his career Mr. John-  give  a  preliminary  presen-  Aruba  can  have  a  track
                                                                      son dealt with a lot of drag  tation on the report.       that fits all IHRA and NHRA
                                                                      racing  tracks  around  the                               specifications  for  interna-
                                                                      world  and  has  knowledge  During his stay, Mr. Johnson  tional and national races to
                                                                      and expertise to evaluate,  met  with  Aruban  compa-     take place on the Interna-
                                                                      measure, dig, and analyze  nies  that  have  teams  that  tional  Raceway  Park  Palo
                                                                      tracks  and  provide  a  final  can  execute  the  work  as  Marga  in  the  safest  way
                                                                      report.  Mr.  Johnson  visited  soon  as  funds  become  possible. q
                                                                      the  Palo  Marga  track  to-  available.  The  final  report
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