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LOCAL Monday 4 July 2022
Silver Entrepreneurship Workshop successful
ORANJESTAD – From June products. They also shared healthy and fit, which is the nit, Job Coach at ‘Tram- outside of it.
20 to June 24, 2022, the information about tax ex- secret to staying in healthy polin pa Trabao’, talked
Department of Economic emption for those who shape; about how he trains indi- The 16 participants re-
Affairs, Commerce and In- want to start commercial Mr. Ulrich Hermans and viduals with disabilities and ceived their certificate of
dustry, through the unit Ini- agriculture. Francois Croes, Innovation prepares them for the la- participation presented by
tiative for Business Devel- Advisors at Futura, talked bor market. The owner of the Minister Geoffrey Wev-
opment in Aruba IDEA, or- Mrs. Gayle Arendsz of the about ‘Future of Work’, fu- Djiespie’s Place, Mrs. Susie er.
ganized a workshop called DEZHI shared the 17 SDGs ture skills for 2025, etc. Franken, talked about her
‘Silver Entrepreneurship for with the participants and family business and its ac- A majority of the IDEA work-
retired or soon to be retired. focused on Sustainable Mrs. Judella Trim of the DE- tivities catered to seniors. shops are free, because
Corporation, the SDG ACI unit IDEA talked about Mr. Merrill Robles (a pen- the goal is to help entre-
The workshop was for re- Compass, and Sustainable the importance of and how sioner), talked about how preneurs who want to start
tired or soon-to-be-retired Leadership. to make a business plan. he helps the community a business or take it to the
individuals who wanted to And finally Mr. Lionel Rum- through his business and next level.q
use their careers and share Notary Johnson talked
their life experiences in their about legal business mod-
business. els: (proprietorship/ NV/
VBA), business succession,
The workshop included a differences in the legal
list of speakers who talked form of companies, and
about a variety of subjects. inheritance and will. (What
and to whom) as well as
Mr. Dave Martinus, Certi- Mr. Cristian Garcia of the
fied Business Coach of SVB informed them about
ActionCOACH, presented the social premiums for
"Resources to Help you employers and employ-
Become an Entrepreneur" ees. The SVB emphasized
and focused on the need that all employees must be
to work on your business registered and should pay
and not only in your busi- these premiums from day
ness. one of being on the job.
Mrs. Louella Croes who is Mrs. Julieta van der Biezen,
the Business Development financial controller and
Advisor at IDEA was present owner of You Count Ad-
to share share information ministration & Consultancy,
about the guidance and talked about Small Business
education offered to all Administration.
who want to open a busi-
ness or to manage a busi- Mr. Ludwig Rasmijn and
ness more efficiently and Mr. Randy Maduro of San-
the way it should be. ta Rosa talked about the
possibilities of becoming
Mrs. Mary Baarh, Head of an Agripreneur. They dis-
the Establishment of Com- cussed Aquaponics, Hy-
panies at the DEZHI, spoke droponics, local products,
about the required permits small garden, small plants,
and laws to establish busi- how to reduce costs, how
nesses, the definition of a to make your hobby your
business, the policies of the business, how a pensioner
Government, and the pro- can benefit from their gar-
cedure for the submission den, and shared success
of a permit request. stories of agripreneurs in
Customs Aruba, Mr. En- Aruba.
rico Soto, and Mrs. Sharina
Hernandez gave informa- Training Coach, Mr. Benny
tion about those who im- Richardson, a gentleman
port products/materials for older than 80 years, talked
their commercial activities about lifestyle and inspired
and those who export their all present about being