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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 29 January 2020

            Man accused of killing missing

            wife is in critical condition

            By  CHRIS  EHRMANN  and  tis,  and  others  initially  said   dren.    Police  allege  Fotis
            DAVE COLLINS                 that  he  was  dead.  Pattis   Dulos lay in wait at Jennifer
            Associated Press             later  said  he  was  told  his   Dulos'  home  in  New  Ca-
            FARMINGTON,  Conn.  (AP)  client had a pulse and was      naan for her to return after
            —  A  Connecticut  man  being taken to a hospital.        dropping  the  children  off.
            charged with murdering his  "Typically,  CPR  will  be  per-  Authorities  say  Fotis  Dulos
            estranged  wife  was  hospi-  formed  for  a  period  of   attacked  the  woman  in
            talized  in  critical  condition  time,"  McKenzie  said.  "If   her  garage,  leaving  be-
            Tuesday after being found  there  is  any  type  of  life   hind a bloody crime scene,   In this Dec. 4, 2019, file photo, Fotis Dulos, charged with murdering
            unresponsive  in  a  vehicle  present, the patient will be   and  drove  off  with  her   his estranged and missing wife, is questioned during testimony
            inside  his  garage,  authori-  transported  to  a  hospital,   body, which has not been   in a civil case at Hartford Superior Court in Hartford, Conn.
            ties  said.  Fotis  Dulos  was  and that's what happened   found.q                                                              Associated Press
            found  when  officers  went  today."  Aerial  footage  of
            to  his  house  in  Farming-  Dulos'  home  showed  of-
            ton  because  he  was  late  ficials  erecting  tents  in  the
            for  a  bond  hearing  in  the  driveway,  while  several
            murder  case.  He  is  being  people  milled  about.  He
            treated for carbon monox-    was later flown by helicop-
            ide  poisoning,  according  ter  to  the  Jacobi  Medical
            to Farmington Police Lt. Tim  Center  in  New  York  City
            McKenzie,  who  would  not  for  treatment.  Detectives
            confirm  if  it  was  a  suicide  are  interviewing  witnesses
            attempt.                     as  part  of  the  investiga-
            Dulos and his wife, Jennifer  tion. Dulos was alone inside
            Dulos, were going through  the house when police re-
            bitter  divorce  and  child  sponded.
            custody proceedings when  Pattis  told  NBC  News  that
            she  vanished  months  ago.  Dulos  faced  "devastating
            He  has  denied  any  role  in  news"  that  his  bond  may
            the  disappearance  of  his  be  revoked  Tuesday  and
            wife, who hasn't been seen  he could be sent to jail to
            since she dropped their five  await  trial.  "Questions  had
            children  off  at  their  New  arisen  regarding  the  col-
            Canaan school in May. The  lateral  to  post  the  $6  mil-
            children,  who  ranged  in  lion bond, and we were or-
            age from 8 to 13 when their  dered to appear in court at
            mother  vanished,  have  noon,"  Pattis  told  the  net-
            been  staying  with  their  work.  Dulos,  52,  pleaded
            maternal  grandmother  in  not guilty earlier this month
            New  York  City.    Officers  to murder and kidnapping
            and  emergency  medical  charges.  He  had  posted
            responders  converged  on  a $6 million bond and was
            Dulos'  stately  home  in  the  under house arrest.
            wealthy  Hartford  suburb  In filings in the divorce case,
            around noon Tuesday, and  Jennifer Dulos said she was
            confusion ensued because  worried  for  her  safety  and
            Dulos'  attorney,  Norm  Pat-  that  of  the  couple's  chil-
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