Page 4 - ATA FEB 27,2015
P. 4
Friday 27 February 2015
Romantic Sunset Beach Wedding for David & Kathleen
EAGLE BEACH - A beautiful Their story begins when to-face date was set up in and their three wonderful
wedding was held on the they met thru “Match. Chatham, Massachusetts boys get along very well
beach for David and Kath- com.” After some chat- for breakfast at Larry’s. with Dave’s family.
leen Jerauld during their ting back and forth on the It was love at first sight: Dave ha s known Willie, the
most recent visit to Aruba! computer, an actual face- Kathy liked the way Dave’s reverend who sealed the
friends treated him with re- wedding, for over 19 years
spect. She also loves the while coming back to his
fact that Dave’s children home away from home,
Donna and David make the Paradise Beach Villas.
her feel very comfortable Friends they have made
and that Dave has 5 lovely over the years attended
grandchildren who adore the beach wedding, with
their grandfather to the Jean and Fred Cross as
moon and back. very special guests!
To make this fairytale com- To quote Mr. and Mrs. Je-
plete, Kathy’s daughter rauld after the wedding
Jilanne, her Husband Mike ceremony: “It is wonderful
we found each other and
are so happy!”q
Friday 27 February 2015
Romantic Sunset Beach Wedding for David & Kathleen
EAGLE BEACH - A beautiful Their story begins when to-face date was set up in and their three wonderful
wedding was held on the they met thru “Match. Chatham, Massachusetts boys get along very well
beach for David and Kath- com.” After some chat- for breakfast at Larry’s. with Dave’s family.
leen Jerauld during their ting back and forth on the It was love at first sight: Dave ha s known Willie, the
most recent visit to Aruba! computer, an actual face- Kathy liked the way Dave’s reverend who sealed the
friends treated him with re- wedding, for over 19 years
spect. She also loves the while coming back to his
fact that Dave’s children home away from home,
Donna and David make the Paradise Beach Villas.
her feel very comfortable Friends they have made
and that Dave has 5 lovely over the years attended
grandchildren who adore the beach wedding, with
their grandfather to the Jean and Fred Cross as
moon and back. very special guests!
To make this fairytale com- To quote Mr. and Mrs. Je-
plete, Kathy’s daughter rauld after the wedding
Jilanne, her Husband Mike ceremony: “It is wonderful
we found each other and
are so happy!”q