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Tuesday 18 June 2024 LOCAL
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Picuda!
(Oranjestad)—If you’re In fishing culture, there are to be able to accelerate
ever planning on snorkel- many other names, such as quickly when the prey gets
ing during your vacation Pecho blanco, Blekito, Ba- close.
on Aruba, you may spot nana, or Bleki. The names
fish that you can’t recog- vary according to size. In Aruba:
nize. One of these may be Picuda can be found in our
the “Picuda”, a very com- Description waters around our island
mon fish that swims all year The Picuda is a long fish, throughout the year. Picu-
long in the waters of Aruba. with a round body like a da, in our waters, is edible
Here’s some information torpedo and silver in color without any problem. Picu-
about the beloved Picuda. with shiny black stripes. da is also a highly sought-
Below, that is, the belly, is after fish by sports fishermen
Let's talk about the names whiter, while the top part or recreational fishermen
of fish. Do you know your is darker. Its snout is very because it puts up a good
fish? This is an informative pointed, and the lower jaw fight once hooked. It can
article that illustrate some in our waters, where it is a is longer than the upper be caught via trolling from
fish and their names in Pa- Picuda, Sphyraena barra- so-called "ambush preda- one. Its peduncle, where a boat, casting from shore
piamento, which the De- cuda, Greater Barracuda tor" that stays still or floats the body meets the tail, with a line or rod, or by jig-
partment of Agriculture, Well known is the Picuda in the water waiting for is thick, while the tail also ging, casting the lure (ar-
Livestock and Fisheries, on the island—Barracuda its prey to approach so it forms a crescent but in this tificial bait) and moving it
known as “Santa Rosa”, in English. Its scientific name can attack it with lightning case one more "full" than with certain rod motions.q
wants to share and also is Sphyraena barracuda. It speed. It is well known for that of mullet or conefish.
obtain information from the is a widely caught fish. It is fishermen, especially for This reflects the hunting Picture courtesy of the
public. found throughout the year its white flesh in fish soup. style of the Picuda. It needs Department of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries.
Episode CXXXIV - 134 - Sargasso Sea Weed
NOORD — Seaweed, or mac- sequestration of carbon di-
ro algae, refers to thousands oxide, alongside other ben-
of species of macroscopic, efits like nutrient pollution re-
multicellular, marine algae. duction, increased habitat
Seaweed species such as for coastal aquatic species,
kelps provide essential nurs- and reducing local ocean
ery habitat for fisheries and acidification. The Special
other marine species and Report on the Ocean and
thus protect food sources; Cryosphere in a Changing
other species, such as plank- Climate recommends "fur-
tonic algae, play a vital role ther research attention" as
in capturing carbon, produc- a mitigation tactic.
ing at least 50% of Earth's
oxygen. Sargasso a brown macro
algae numerous through-
Natural seaweed ecosys- out temperate and tropical
tems are sometimes under oceans of the world, where
threat from human activity. they generally inhabit shal-
For example, mechanical low water and coral reefs.
dredging of kelp destroys
the resource and depen- NASA satellites revealed the
dent fisheries. Humans have largest marine algae bloom
a long history of cultivating in the world in 2018. A belt
seaweeds for their use. In re- of Sargasso that contained
cent years, seaweed farming over 22 million tons of sea- red tide blooms; feeding symptoms in people that native traditional farmers
has become a global agri- weed stretched some 5,500 the Sargasso, which thrives come in close contact with picked up the rest with which
cultural practice, providing miles across the Atlantic to in warmer water. the degrading Sargasso. they fertilize their “cunuco”,
food, source material for West Africa. Satellite images traditional “Caquetian” ag-
various chemical uses, cat- are showing abnormally high Sargasso presents risks to hu- Our West coast beaches also ricultural land plots.
tle feeds and fertilizers. Be- amounts again in 2021.Ten man health as well. In the wa- are covered with sea weed
cause of their importance year data gathered has re- ter, it's harmless to humans, and marine grasses due to To get to know a little more
in marine ecologies and for vealed the likely causes of but the trouble begins once seasonal bigger waves that regarding Aruba’s cultural
absorbing carbon dioxide, these seaweed invasions: it lands on the beach and bumbles and loosen up the origins, way of life etc. We
recent attention has been Global warming, dust clouds starts to decompose. Breath- sea weed of the coral which highly recommend you to
on cultivating seaweeds as of the Saharan and the ing in these toxic fumes may finally lands on the coast. participation in this exclusive
a potential climate change growing nitrogen footprint. cause, skin irritation, respi- Public Works (DOW) usually cultural encounter session, a
mitigation strategy for bio Acts Just as nutrients feed ratory and neurocognitive did the cleanup work and mind opening and entertain-
ing island experience. What-
Article by: Etnia Nativa sapp + 297 5922702 or mail
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book our facilities and activities
take place close to high
your Aruban exprerience rise hotels.q
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels