Page 23 - MIN SOC JAN 28,2016
P. 23


LOCALThursday 28 January 2016

Social Network Lounge – Our Monthly Social Event at CILO

ORANJESTAD - Every last Fri-    connect this night, under    $12.50, a Dinner & Movie
day of the month we have        the enjoyment of good        menu for $30 including a
Social Network Lounge at        music by DJ Oscar Booy,      movie ticket!
CILO, every time a new          and an exclusive offer of    Besides our fine food op-
theme or brand is present-      beverages - sip, eat, talk,  tions, CILO is the perfect
ed. The finest cocktails and    dance, enjoy.                place to relax and to enjoy
specials to offer the diversi-  We daily offer a 3-course    the Aruban scenery at the
ty guests are searching for.    early bird menu for $25,     harbour.For real relaxation
CILO likes to make people       an early bird breakfast for  we even offer the chance

                                                                                          to try out our Hookah and    (*The special cocktail offer
                                                                                          just sit back and relax in   is excluded from this Happy
                                                                                          one of our lounges!          Hour).
                                                                                          Make sure you will drop by   If you would like to make
                                                                                          to experience the luxurious  a reservation, please con-
                                                                                          vibes, at CILO.              tact us:
                                                                                          We have Happy Hour on
                                                                                          Fridays from 5-7 PM, and     +297 588-7996
                                                                                          daily from 5-6 PM!           www.cilo-aruba.comq
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