Page 21 - Newspaper Oct 29 2021_Neat
P. 21

Diabierna, 29 October 2021                                                                                        21

                                                                                                                   GRADICIMENTO Y
                             “Señor ta mi wardador,
                              mi’n tin falta di nada                                                                    INVITASHON
                           Den cunucu di yerba berde e
                                ta ponemi sosega.
                            E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                                   Salmo: 23

       Conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos
        ta anuncia fayecimento di nos ser

                    Uiny Sluis                                                        We sadly

                   *09-03-1969 -                                                   announce the

                    †23-09-2021                                                  passing of a dear

       Na nomber di su:                                                           daughter, sister,
       Ruman nan di Curason:                                                                                     Na nomber di henter nos
       Rebeca Tromp                                                               aunt and friend
       Vivian Tromp y Juan Manuel                                                                                    famia cu un curason
       Michael Tromp y Erica na New yersey                                                                       Jena di gratitud nos kier a
       Valentino Koeiman                                         Lura Myra Thomas
       Junior Maduro                                                                                                   gradisi tur famia,
       Eugene Courtar y famia                              *15-07-1949 - †21-10-2021                           amigonan y conocirnan cu a
       Sobrina y sobrino nan di curason:
       Geomar Tromp                                                                                                      compaña nos
       Charmaine Loefstok na Hulanda                    Mother: †Edna Courtney                                   durante despedida di nos
       Joyceline Tromp                                  Niece:  †Clareen Philips who she loved as a
       Monrick Stamper                                  daughter.   Left to mourn are her:                        mama, wela, bisa wela.
       Jerryk Agunbero y Staicey
       Jurvienny Koolman y Manuel                       Sisters:       Bonnie Thomas (NY)
       Fachael Varela y Aldrick                                                                                   Sra. Martelia Helena Tsu
       Mitchell Tromp na San Diego                      Bobina Courtney Feingold (FL) Cousins:
       Angelina Tromp na New Jersey                     Lurlyn Creft-Roberts, Raymond Courtney, Joe                            Dirksz
       Josephine Tromp na New Jersey                    Forrester,     David Lockiby,                                   “Tina – Tinachi”
       Tur su muchanan cu e la stima:
       Geuell y Gidion                                  The families Thomas, Courtney, Forrester,
       Jayderick Xanee y Xay-Jay                        Lockiby, Mark, Creft and Nyack and several
       Nin, Zizi, Jays y Jah                            relatives too numerous to mention.                       Un gradicimento ta bai na
       Joyendrick y Erneall                                                                                   Aurora Funeral Home pa nan
       Leah-Sophia                                      Numerous friends including Ken Burke, Elsa                    exelente servicio.
       Jayden y Archaël                                 & Chester Berkel, Samuel & Carrol Elscoe,                  Na tur cu di un of otro
       Tur su amigonan di cas.                          Johannes Brown, Ann Arrindell, Esmee Gillard,
       Tur esnan cu la trata como su                    Irma Leer, Patsy Daniel, Joann & Francine                manera a mustra nos nan
       yiunan.                                          Bardouille, Julliet Silland, and the Becker                   Atenshon, Amor y
       Su bon bisiña: Valde y famia                     family among others.
       Javier, Rodrigo,Gianny y tur su                                                                        Consuelo den e momentonan
       amigonan di Balala Transport                     Special mention and thanks to her kind                              difisil aki.
       Bisiña y tur su amiga(o) nan di                  neighbors and dedicated friends Detta &
       Tarabana, Ponton y Madiki                        Mundo Sneek, who made her life more                                 DANKI…..
       Tur esnan cu e ta yama Mama y                    comfortable during her illness in the last years       Alabes nos kier a invita un y
       Papa.                                            of her life, to Adonne Claude, who worked
       Su famia nan na Aruba y Curaçao.                 as Myra’s caregiver in her final days and to           tur pa un Santo Sacrificio di
       Amigo na di C-Jam Barbershop                     Henny (Tenchi) & Silvia Adam’s, who for years                          misa:
       Su dokter y verpleegster nan di Dr.              were close friends to both Myra and her
       Horacio Oduber Hospital afdeling                                                                           Diabierna 29 di Oktober,
       Dialyse.                                         mother Edna.                                             2021 pa 7or di anochi na
       Sr. Alex y full Lite Life Medicap                   Opportunity for condolences: Thursday
       Famia nan na Aruba y Curaçao.                      October 28, 2021 from 7 to 9 pm at Aurora           Pro Catedral San Francisco na
       Y demas amiga y amigonan,                                        Funeral Home                                           Playa.
       conocirnan, bisiñanan.
       Ta invita pa acto di despedida cual                   Date of funeral will be held on Friday                  Boso presencia lo ta
       lo tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral                    October 29, 2021 from 2 to 4 pm at Aurora                   altamente aprecia.
       Home diabierna 29 di oktober 2021                  Funeral Home, then she will be taken to hr
       di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.                        final resting place at the central cemetery in
       Disculpa nos si den tristesa nos por a                           Sabana Basora                                         DANKI
       lubida algun amigo of conocir.
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