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Saturday 13 april 2024
The Hilton makes a much-needed donation to FPNC
Palm Beach—The Hilton Aruba Continuing the meaningful a food bank, a clothing bank, will be prepared and pack- a result of inflation.
Caribbean Resort & Casino tradition for its fourth year in and a furniture bank, and has aged, to last several months. The donation from Hilton ar-
introduced the festive sea- a row, Hilton Aruba spread been active ever since. Baki den Bario & Aruba Doet, rives at a timely moment, sup-
son’s Tree of Giving in 2020, the cheer in December, and The foundation supports 300 are two more programs on porting the foundation in its
as a means of giving back to presented the amount raised to 350 families each month FPNC’s agenda, one to col- ongoing dedication to local
the community. Guests could to Gianaika v/d Biezen, direc- with a food parcel contain- lect second-hand clothing, families. Hilton takes pride in
contribute to the Tree of Giv- tor FPNC, just recently. The ing non-perishable tinned the other to distribute meals once again contributing to
ing, situated in the lobby of the resort matched guests' con- and dried foods. It runs a to the needy. Headquartered this esteemed foundation.
Aruba tower, by purchasing tributions on multiple occa- birthday program for kids, in Modanza, in the heart of Pictured here resort manage-
a poinsettia plant throughout sions, significantly increasing awarding them with sweets the island, FPNC is calling ment team, team members
the month of December. All the total amount collected. to share and a gift, on their for volunteers to help and and FPNC representatives, for
proceeds collected went Fundacion Pa Nos Comuni- birthday. FPNC packs extra for corporate sponsors to the donation presentation.
directly to assist the island’s dad was established in 2009, food baskets at Christmas. come forward. The founda- For more information about
food bank FPNC, Fundacion following Gandhi’s view that The foundation is planning to tion experienced a significant how you can assist Fundacion
Pa Nos Comunidad, www. poverty is the worst form of host a meal packing event in reduction in donations along pa nos Comunidad visit their violence. The foundation runs May, in which 100.000 means with higher priced goods as website q
Prohibited by law: leaving the island with seashells, white sand or corals
(Oranjestad)—Often times, the customs de- face a fine that they have to pay before leav-
partment at the airport intercepts many tour- ing. This is surely not a pleasant experience for
ists leaving the island with seashells, white sand the tourist. This also leads to a negative reaction
and/or corals as souvenirs. which can put our tourism in a negative light.
Though we love to accommodate our visitors,
Conforming to the international treaty of CITES let’s all give nature the respect it deserves by
and our local law which protects our Flora & protecting our environment. Stop collecting
Fauna, it is absolutely prohibited to take any seashells, white sand and corals from our shores
seashell, sand and coral outside of Aruba. This and stop buying or accepting these from local
is to protect our environment. The high number sellers or companies.
of seashells, coral and amount of sand confis-
cated is very strange and it is suspected that We want our future generations and visitors to
our own locals are the ones selling these to the enjoy the beauty of our beaches, shells and
tourists, which is unacceptable. corals in a sustainable way, without destroying
or disrupting the Aruban ecosystem. Help us
Upon confiscation at the airport, you can also protect what is ours!q