Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
local Saturday 7 OctOber 2023
Aruba’s Nature is to be Cherished
ST. CRUZ — The national a bird sanctuary. of sea turtle lay their eggs
park Arikok comprises al- on Aruba's beaches? In
most 18 % of the island. Its The national park Arikok the national park, a Least
rugged terrain, desert-like takes you on a memorable Tern (Sternula antillarum)
hills filled with tall cacti, journey of the islands past keeps a strict eye on a very
breathtaking coastline and offering unique geological, special event taking place
protected local flora and cultural and historical sites. below on the beach: a
fauna welcome you to be These can all be enjoyed majestic Leatherback (Der- cloud’ lately at the Bubali the most beautiful beach-
explored. There is numer- and explored either on mochelys coriacea) heads or Spanish Lagoon Wet- es but it is also worthwhile
ous wildlife to discover like your own or during guided back to sea after laying lands areas? It’s most likely to go beyond this and get
for example the sea turtle tours. A wide variety of ed- her eggs, while another to be Roseate Spoonbills an idea of our entire island.
who lays his eggs on the ucational and informative nest laid 2 months ago by (Ajaia ajaja) or ‘Chucharon Lately there is a discussion
park’s beaches. There are programs and fun activities the same female hatches. Cora’ as they are known in going on about the effect
more places on the island is available. A very rare occurrence Papiamento. This unusual certain activities have on
that are a preserved area Did you know that four of of daytime nesting and looking bird forages in shal- our nature, for example the
like the Bubali Plas which is the in total seven species hatching. Sea turtles pre- low muddy water while ATV vehicles cause a lot of
fer nesting in the cool and sweeping its flattened bill dust, noise and leave tire
dark hours of the night. And from side to side to catch tracks. Animals live in these
hatchlings usually wait for small fish, crustaeceans areas where the vehicles
the cue of cooling surface and other aquatic inverte- run, often with high speed
sand before emerging. brates. The Roseate Spoon- and with detrimental con-
bill remains an uncommon sequences to flora and fau-
Bubali Magic sight as they are vulnerable na. Motorized vehicles are
This beautiful close-up im- to degradation of feeding forbidden to drive on the
age of the pink bird is cour- and nesting habitats (Wet- sand dunes in the Northern
tesy of Michiel Overstee- lands). (Source: arikok na- part of the island and all
gen of the Aruba Birdlife tional park) beaches in Aruba are for-
Conservation. This impor- bidden for any motorized
tant foundation showcases The aforementioned is just vehicle. Treasure our island
and builds awareness of a part of what Aruba’s na- to enjoy it like you do: as a
Aruba’s birds and other na- ture has to offer. We can- tropical and natural para-
tive flora and fauna. You not stress enough to go, see dise. We truly appreciate
may have seen a ‘pink for yourself. The island has it!q
Another Treasure of Aruba’s Beaches: Sea Glass!
the water, where sand and other bottles. The most common and the
rocks act like sandpaper to smooth easiest to find are the brown (Ams-
out its rough edges. Sometimes as tel & Polar beer), green (Heineken
the sea glass is passed through fire, & Balashi beer) and clear glass
it becomes fire glass, the rarest of which are the soft much loved
sea glass with certain inclusions, “soft drink” bottles.
just like precious gems.
If you like to see the sea glass for
For years, the water beat against yourself, and be in awe of the
the different kinds of trash being power of nature, rent a car or
dumped. Glass, household ap- jeep and go explore our deserted
pliances and even motor parts beaches on the north side of the
were discarded on the beach. island. Make it a fun family day!
NOORD - It is hard to imagine this Especially on the strip on white The waves and weather condi- Even if we didn’t mean to pollute
happening today, but years ago sand between the famous Natural tions wore down the overwhelm- the Beaches how we did, it is inspir-
people dumped all kinds of refuse Bridge” and the huge red anchor ing amount of garbage in the wa- ing to see just how the earth can
straight into the ocean, including close to “Grapefield” beach you ter, creating millions of beautiful correct our mistakes.
old cars, and their household gar- will be able to find your own pieces smooth rocks.
bage, which of course included of sea glass. The sea glass that was Funny, how trash can change into
lots of glass. Over the next 30 years created is the product of a very It’s hard to believe the short- treasures!
the pounding waves cleaned the long and interesting process. It can sighted mistakes we were making
beach, by breaking down every- take anywhere from 10 to 30 years that could have potentially ru- Everybody knows that you are not
thing but glass and pottery. The to make sea glass. The name for ined these beautiful beaches. But allowed to take local shells home,
pounding waves washed the trash any piece of glass that finds its way thanks to natural processes, the but the people working at the air-
up and down, back and forth. Tons to the ocean and tumbles around ocean transformed the trash into port have no problem you taking
of polished, broken glass pieces in the water long enough is “Sea the sea glass. sea glass home. A few of those
were created by the pounding surf. glass. Each colored gem on the beach pieces make great souvenirs. You
These smoothened, colored glass has its own story. can place them in a wine glass or
particles then settled along the sea The colorful pieces of glass are large bottle for decoration and ev-
shore in millions, and that is why being used for decoration, hand- The ruby red glass stones are typi- ery time you look at it a smile will
you can find these beautiful and crafts and jewelry! cally from old car tail-lights. light up your face thinking back of
colorful pieces on the north shore Once glass makes its way into the your unforgettable Aruba vaca-
beaches of Aruba. ocean, the glass is broken up into Then, the sapphire rocks are the tion! q
shards and is tumbled around in remnants of broken apothecary