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                                                                                                           local Friday 30 June 2023

            Alto Vista chapel and its link to Aruba’s origins

            According  to  Etnia  Nativa,  ther  Algamesi  who  came  that the Alto Vista area was
            in the 18th century most of  from  Coro-Venezuela  and  the most infected, they be-
            the  inhabitants  of  Aruba  appointed  Domingo  Anto-    gan  to  build  their  homes
            were indigenous who lived  nio  Silvester  as  the  island’s  further  south  within  the
            on  the  north  coast,  one  of  first prosecutor in the name  Noord area, so the town of
            the  largest  communities  of  the  Spanish  crown  and  Noord began to grow into
            lived in Alto Vista.         Rome. In 1752 the prosecu-   a  community  till  getting  its
                                         tion passed into the hands  own  Church.  However  re-
            As they were very religious,  of  Antonio  Silvester’s  son-  ligious  festivals  continued
            they  had  a  chief  with  the  in-law, Miguel Álvarez, who  to be celebrated at this sa-
            name  of  Antonio  Silvester  continued to guide the pa-  cred native place, with the
            who  guided  them  in  the  rishioners in their prayers.  custom  of  arriving  in  pro-
            Christian life and it was he                              cession to Alto Vista.
            who  decided  to  build  a  According  to  the  book,
            stone  chapel  with  a  roof  The History of Alto Vista by  Two-hundred  years  after  only  around  six  of  these  tank  which  the  locals  call
            of  corn  rods,  which  would  R.H. Nooyen, it is not known  the  beautiful  time  of  Alto  houses remain.         Tanki Cacique. In the past
            serve as a place of prayer.  when Domingo Antonio Sil-    Vista,  people  can  no  lon-                             this  tank  was  closed.  But
            In 1750 it was blessed by Fa-  vester came to Aruba from  ger see much of the town  South of the chapel in the  mostly  water  was  brought
                                         Venezuela.  The  elders  be-  of Alto Vista from 1750. With  yard  two  graves  can  be  out from the Poz di Noord,
                                         lieve  Antonio  was  a  Span-  a  lot  of  work  they  found  observed,  there  was  the  a well dug in the sand.
                                         iard. In 1780, father Joseph  the  old  foundations  of  the  cemetery   which   father
                                         Antonio de la Vegal called  Church  of  the  Queen  of  Pablo de Algemesi blessed.  The chapel can be viewed
                                         Bernardino Silvester,  one of  the  Holiest  Rosary  to  build  It is not certain, but it is be-  from basically any point in
                                         Antonio’s sons with his wife  a new chapel on the same  lieved that the two graves  the  north  side,  even  from
                                         Anna  Cathalina  Tromp,  place. The entire surround-      belong to Antonio Silvester  Paradera  and  Sero  Plat.
                                         “neighbors and naturals of  ing  area  was  empty  and  and  Miguel  Alvares,  ac-     All  the  historical  remains
                                         the island Aruba” and thus  desolated,  making  it  hard  cording  to  Nooyen.  About  around the chapel provide
                                         they became natives.         to  imagine  that  Alto  Vista  50 meters near the chapel  us with an idea on how the
                                                                      was  a  town  at  all.  A  hun-  there  are  still  the  markings  old  people  of  Alto  Vista
                                         At the end of the eighteen  dred  years  later,  people  of  an  old  house,  where  used to live.  Don’t miss the
                                         century  many  inhabitants  can  see  the  remains  of  Antonio  and  Bernardino  opportunity to visit a place
                                         the island died as a result of  around   twenty   houses,  Silvester  would  have  lived.  of  historical  significance
                                         the  black  fever  epidemic  some  made  of  stone  and  About 200 meters from the  with  a  window  to  Aruba’s
                                         and since people believed  others  of  clay.  Nowadays,  chapel  there  is  a  water  past.q

            Why You Should Not Miss Aruba’s Free City Center Street Car Tour

                                                                                                   this beautiful and naturally  walk to the famous Renais-
                                                                                                   air-conditioned   vehicle?  sance  Marina  showcasing
                                                                                                   The  tour  consists  of  a  total  luxurious  yachts  and  Aru-
                                                                                                   of  9  stops  approximately  ba’s blue waters.
                                                                                                   200 meters apart from each
                                                                                                   other;  all  stops  are  clearly  The “Tram van Oranjestad”
                                                                                                   marked. The tram will bring  starts  from  a  balloon  loop
                                                                                                   you  close  to  different  mu-  near  the  Port  of  Call  and
                                                                                                   seums,  historical  plazas,  serves the downtown area
                                                                                                   monuments, the Protestant  and  ends  at  Plaza  Nicky.
                                                                                                   church,  Aruba’s  high-  end  The  first  ride  starts  at  10:00
                                                                                                   mall, retail shops, and a va-  am  sharp  with  intervals  of
                                                                                                   riety  of  local  and  interna-  25minutes.  The  last  trolley
                                                                                                   tional  cuisine  restaurants.  departs from the cruise port
                                                                                                   The  “I  love  Aruba”  trade-  at  5:00pm.  Don’t  miss  this
                                                                                                   mark  also  belongs  to  that  tour  of  the  beautiful  Aru-
                                                                                                   list.  The  third  stop  on  the  ba’s  City  Center–  it  is  free
                                                                                                   route is close to a 5-minute  for all!q

            ORANJESTAD      -   Aruba’s  an.  There  are  two  trolleys,
            City  Center  Street  Car  -  a  single-deck  one  with  42  Caya  Betico  Croes,  mostly
            or  as  we  call  it  in  Dutch;  seats and a double-decker  referred  to  as  our  “main
            “Tram  van  Oranjestad’  -  is  with 64 seats. The line was  street”  has  been  devel-
            a  single  track  tram  line  in  inspired  by  the  popular  oped  into  a  pollution-free
            Oranjestad,   the   capital  battery-powered  streetcar  pedestrian  mall.  The  dou-
            city  of  Aruba.  It  was  inau-  operation  at  the  Grove  in  ble-decker offers you a 360
            gurated  on  22  December  Los  Angeles,  USA.  Aruba’s  degree  view  of  the  down
            2012, being the first and so  streetcars  are  powered  by  town  area  with  a  picture
            far  the  only  passenger  rail  hydrogen  fuel  cells,  which  perfect  scenery  of  the  is-
            service  on  Aruba  and  the  are charged by the island’s  land’s clear blue skies. Who
            rest  of  the  Dutch  Caribbe-  year-round trade winds.   would  not  enjoy  a  ride  on
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