Page 31 - HOH_Neat
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locAl           Thursday 18 June 2020

            Marines on Aruba support in hospital fire

            ORANJESTAD — More than                                                                                              in  emergency  situations,
            twenty  marines  from  the                                                                                          anywhere  in  the  world.  ".
            32e  Raidingsquadron  in                                                                                            The fire took place after an
            Aruba  were  deployed  last                                                                                         explosion in the old part of
            night  because  of  a  fire  of                                                                                     the  hospital,  which  was  to
            the  Dr.  Horacio  E.  Oduber                                                                                       be renovated. Defense on
            Hospital.                                                                                                           Aruba is the responsibility of
                                                                                                                                the  Kingdom  of  the  Neth-
            The marines, placed at the                                                                                          erlands.  The  Netherlands
            Marines  barracks  Savane-                                                                                          Military  forces  that  protect
            ta, have been called upon                                                                                           Aruba  include  the  Royal
            to provide assistance such                                                                                          Netherlands   Navy,    the
            as placing tents and camp                                                                                           Netherlands  Marine  Corps
            beds. They also transported                                                                                         and the Netherlands Coast-
            patients  who  had  to  be                                                                                          guard. There is also a small
            moved  to  a  more  safe  lo-                                                                                       indigenous    “Arubaanse
            cation.                                                                                                             Militie”  (ARUMIL)  of  about
                                                                                                                                platoon strength. All forces
            The head of the Bureau for                                                                                          are  stationed  at  Marines
            Disaster Relief Aruba (RBA)                                                                                         Barracks Savaneta.q
            called  the  barracks  com-
            mander  Lt.  Col.  Art  van
            Beekhuizen  directly  with
            the request to provide mili-
            tary assistance. Immediate
            action  was  taken  and  sol-
            diers were sent to the hos-
            pital for support. Lieutenant
            Colonel  van  Beekhuizen:
            “Our mission is safety in and
            from  Aruba.  CZMCARIB's
            third  main  task  is  to  sup-
            port  civil  activities,  which
            is  a  good  example  of  this.
            As  a  soldier,  we  are  avail-
            able  24/7  to  be  deployed

               Monuments Fund Aruba celebrates another anniversary

               ORANJESTAD  —  Twenty-four  becoming  the  protagonist  of
               years  ago,  Monuments  Fund  photography’s  shared  around
               Aruba  (SMFA)  was  funded  the world. They also contribute
               with  the  goal  to  purchase,  re-  to the expansion of knowledge
               store and maintain monumen-     about  Aruban  Heritage  with
               tal buildings of Aruba. The first  educational programs but also
               project SMFA financed was the  organizing  activities  like  Wiki
               restoration of the City Hall and  Loves  Monuments  Aruba  and
               the  Ex  Hotel  Colombia.  After  Fiesta  di  Cunucu  to  connect
               twenty-four  years  SMFA  cur-  the  community  to  our  monu-
               rently owns thirteen monumen-   ments.
               tal buildings and three objects.  With  a  team  of  seven  guided
                                               by  their  boar,  they  work  to-
               These  last  years  they  have  gether  to  preserve  the  past
               been  focusing  on  mainte-     for the future and face all the
               nance. The Fund is very proud  challenges  they  find  on  the
               as foundation that their monu-  way.
               ments are in a very good con-
               dition and are part of city walks
               but  are  also  more  and  more            Continued on Page 32
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