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                   Wednesday 24 July 2024
            Thousands of migrant kids have reached the Canary Islands

            alone. Local officials want Spain’s help

            By RENATA BRITO                                                                                                     Spain.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    As  a  result,  the  children
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)                                                                                             and  teenagers  languish-
            —  The  children  sometimes                                                                                         ing  on  the  islands  are  not
            won’t  stop  crying.  Health                                                                                        receiving  the  protections
            workers  dealing  with  mi-                                                                                         they  are  entitled  to  under
            grants  arriving  on  Spain’s                                                                                       Spanish and European law,
            Canary Islands try to under-                                                                                        including  education  and
            stand  if  the  tears  are  from                                                                                    healthcare. Spanish media
            illness,  injury  or,  as  is  often                                                                                have reported overcrowd-
            the case, from pure shock.                                                                                          ed centers as well as cases
            One young Senegalese boy                                                                                            of abuse and mistreatment.
            who disembarked recently                                                                                            On the island of Lanzarote,
            kept fainting every few min-                                                                                        authorities have set up tem-
            utes, troubling doctors who                                                                                         porary tents to accommo-
            couldn’t  determine  the                                                                                            date the new arrivals.
            cause. Other migrants final-                                                                                        Candil warned that the sit-
            ly  explained:  the  boy  had                                                                                       uation  is  only  expected  to
            witnessed both parents die                                                                                          deteriorate  as  boats  keep
            during  the  arduous  boat                                                                                          sailing  from  the  coasts  of
            voyage  from  West  Africa.                                                                                         Senegal,  Mauritania  and
            Their  bodies  were  thrown                                                                                         the Western Sahara to the
            overboard into the Atlantic                                                                                         Spanish islands just 100 kilo-
            Ocean.                       A baby is carried by members of the Red Cross in the port of La Restinga at El Hierro in the Canary   metres  (60  miles)  from  Af-
            “There’s  no  medicine  for   Islands on Saturday, June 6, 2024, after being rescued by the Spanish Sea Rescue.     rica’s western coast.
            that,”   said   Inmaculada                                                                         Associated Press  Nearly 20,000 men, women
            Mora  Peces,  a  54-year-old                                                                                        and children have reached
            emergency  doctor  who  erty, conflict and instability.   with  177  votes  against  it,  tastrophe,”  said  Francisco  the Canaries so far this year,
            treats  migrants  arriving  on  Yet  on  Tuesday,  Spain’s  171  votes  for  it  and  1  ab-  Candil,  a  regional  govern-  a 160% increase from 2023.
            the island of El Hierro.     parliament rejected a leg-   stention.                    ment  official  in  charge  of  And that’s even before the
            Mora  Peces  is  among  a  islative proposal that would  Under  Spanish  law,  the  re-  social welfare.            high  season  for  migrant
            growing  number  of  peo-    have  forced  other  regions  gional authorities where the  Not only do the Canary Is-  crossings begins in the fall,
            ple  sounding  the  alarm  as  to  take  responsibility  for  children  arrive  are  respon-  lands  lack  physical  space,  Candil added.
            the  archipelago  struggles  some of the minors current-  sible for their guardianship.   but  the  regional  govern-  Earlier  this  year,  the  EU
            to  deal  with  thousands  of  ly stuck on the Canaries in  But  the  Canary  Islands  ment  is  struggling  to  hire  signed  a  210  million  euro
            teenagers  and  children  dire conditions.                government says it is over-  professionals   trained   to  deal with Mauritania to stop
            traveling  alone  to  the  Eu-  The   proposal,   which  whelmed,  with  more  than  work  with  the  young  mi-    smugglers  from  launching
            ropean Union territory from  sparked a national debate  5,500  minors    far  above  its  grants on the islands locat-  boats  for  Spain.  But  the
            Senegal, Mali, and other Af-  and  political  crisis,  was  re-  capacity for 2,000.   ed  some  1,300  kilometers  deal has had little effect on
            rican  nations,  fleeing  pov-  jected on Tuesday evening  “It’s  a  humanitarian  ca-  (800  miles)  from  mainland  migrant arrivals for now. q

            Mudslides in Ethiopia have killed at least 229. It’s not clear how

            many people are still missing

            By AMANUEL GEBREMEDHIN  (AP) — Mudslides triggered  ing many who tried to res-         statement  said  it  felt  sor-  are  hugging  corpses,  hav-
            BIRHANE                      by  heavy  rain  in  a  remote  cue survivors, local authori-  row over the disaster. Prime  ing  lost  their  entire  family,
            Associated Press             part of Ethiopia have killed  ties  said  Tuesday,  in  what  Minister Abiy Ahmed said in  including  mother,  father,
            ADDIS    ABABA,    Ethiopia  at least 229 people, includ-  the  prime  minister  called  a  statement  on  Facebook  brother and sister,” he said.
                                                                      a “terrible loss.”Young chil-  that  he  was  “deeply  sad-  Some  women  wailed  as
                                                                      dren and pregnant women  dened by this terrible loss.”    rescuers  attempted  to  dig
                                                                      were among the victims in  The federal disaster preven-   through the thick mud with
                                                                      Kencho Shacha Gozdi dis-     tion  task  force  has  been  shovels.
                                                                      trict  of  southern  Ethiopia,  deployed to assist in search  Landslides  are  common
                                                                      said Dagmawi Ayele, a lo-    and  rescue  efforts,  Abiy’s  during Ethiopia’s rainy rea-
                                                                      cal  administrator,  adding  statement said.              son,  which  started  in  July
                                                                      that  at  least  five  people  It  was  not  immediately  and is expected to last until
                                                                      have been pulled out alive.  clear  how  many  people  mid-September.
                                                                      The  death  toll  rose  sharp-  were still unaccounted for.  Deadly  mudslides  often
                                                                      ly  from  the  initial  one  of  Many  victims  were  buried  occur in the wider East Af-
                                                                      55  late  Monday.  Search  on Monday as rescue work-      rican  region,  from  Ugan-
                                                                      operations  continued  in  ers searched the steep ter-    da’s  mountainous  east  to
                                                                      the  area,  said  Kassahun  rain for survivors of another  central  Kenya’s  highlands.
                                                                      Abayneh,  head  of  the  mudslide the previous day.  In April, at least 45 people
                                                                      communications  office  in  Markos  Melese,  director  of  were  killed  in  Kenya’s  Rift
             In  this  handout  photo  released  by  Gofa  Zone  Government   Gofa Zone, the administra-  the disaster response agen-  Valley  region  when  flash
             Communication Affairs Department, hundreds of people gather   tive  area  where  the  mud-  cy in Gofa Zone, said many  floods  and  a  landslide
             at the site of a mudslide in the Kencho Shacha Gozdi district,   slides occurred.     rescuers remained missing.   swept through houses and
             Gofa Zone, southern Ethiopia, Monday, July 22, 2024.     Ethiopia’s  ruling  party  in  a  “There  are  children  who  cut off a major road.q
                                                     Associated Press
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