Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
LOCAL Monday 27 February 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Playa Linda Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recent- Playa Linda Beach Resort
ly, Aruba Tourism Author- bestowed the certifica-
ity representative Ms. Olga tion of the Goodwill and
Ruiz had the great pleasure Emerald Ambassadors of
in honoring many loyal Aruba. The honorees were
Aruba visitors with their dis- presented with the respec-
tinctive certificates. These tively certificates and with
certificates are a way to memorable gifts.
say “Masha Danki” for con-
tinuously choosing Aruba On behalf of the Govern-
as a favorite vacation des- ment of Aruba, we would
tination. The titles are as like to express our gratitude
following: 10+ years “Distin- and appreciation to all
guished Visitor”, 20+ years the Ambassadors for mak-
“Goodwill Ambassador” ing Aruba their preferred
and 36+ years “Emerald vacation destination for
Ambassador”. so many years. We are so
thankful to have had such
The honorees are: wonderful Ambassadors as
Jerry & Helen Giorlando our visitors after all these
resident of New York, Unit- years! Aruba is unquestion-
ed States who have been ably their home away from
visiting for 34 years and home!
were honored as Goodwill
Ambassadors. The honorees were asked
what their top reasons to
Arnold & Marcelle Watkin return to the island were,
residents of Massachusetts, to which they answered as
United Sates who have follows.
been visiting for 40 years
and were hnored as Emer- Mr. & Mrs. Giorlando rea-
ald Ambassadors. sons:
The weather
This symbolic honorary title The people
is presented on behalf of The sand
the Minister of Tourism as The restaurants
a token of appreciation to The safety
the guests who visit Aruba
between the 10-20-35 and Mr. & Mrs. Watkin reasons:
more consecutive year The weather
mark. The people
The restaurants
Ms. Olga Ruiz representing The ocean
the Aruba Tourism Author- Because it is truly “One
ity, and members of the Happy Island”q