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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 16 November 2023

            Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!

            (Oranjestad)—Located  in  not  part  of  the  original
            the  middle  of  downtown  structure  of  the  fort,  and
            Oranjestad,  situated  right  is  actually  called  “Willem
            next  to  the  government  III  Toren”.  Constructed  in
            building “Cocolishi”, is one  1867, this tower was named
            of  the  oldest  buildings  of  after the then-reigning king
            Aruba:  Fort  Zoutman.  First  of The Netherlands, Willem
            constructed  in  1796,  this  III. Willem III Toren was origi-
            site  has  been  used  (or  left  nally a light tower, but after
            unused) in many ways and  a  request  from  Lieutenant
            have  survived  eras  of  war  Governor  Jan  Helenus  in
            and  attempted  disman-      1866, it also became a bell
            tling.                       tower.

            When anyone refers to Fort  The  fort  itself  was  origi-
            Zoutman,  they  are  actu-   nally  constructed  to  pro-
            ally  referring  to  two  sepa-  tect  the  commerce  bay
            rate buildings that, over the  of  Paardenbaai  from  pi-
            years, have been merged:  rates  and  other  disrepu-     Zoutman  had  a  more  tu-   the  English  military  several  Despite  its  small  size,  The
            the  fort  and  the  tower.  table  characters  roaming   multuous  past,  including   times (The Netherlands was  Historic  Museum  guards  a
            That’s  right,  the  iconic  the  Caribbean  Sea.  Unlike   the  on-and-off  reception   at  constant  war  with  Eng-  rich depository of the com-
            5-story, squared tower was  the  Willem  III  Toren,  Fort   of  unwanted  members  of   land  back  in  the  colonial  mercial, military and social
                                                                                                   era).                        history of Oranjestad, offer-
                                                                                                                                ing a glance into how the
                                                                                                   Over  the  years,  both  the  social  culture  of  the  town
                                                                                                   fort  and  the  tower  had  came to be. If you are in-
                                                                                                   functioned   as   different  terested in history and want
                                                                                                   government  center  points,  to learn more about Aruba,
                                                                                                   including a tax and stamps  then  Fort  Zoutman  should
                                                                                                   office. For some time these  definitely  be  included  into
                                                                                                   two  buildings  also  housed  your itinerary.
                                                                                                   a  police  precinct  and  jail,
                                                                                                   and  even  experienced  The museum is open Mon-
                                                                                                   abandonment  until  the  day  to  Friday  from  9am-
                                                                                                   Cultural   Center   Aruba  6pm,  and  Saturday  from
                                                                                                   Foundation  (CCA)  peti-     10am-2pm. q
                                                                                                   tioned  for  its  renovation  in
             Aruba to me                                                                           1964,  turning  the  site  into    Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
                                                                                                                                             by Jan Hartog.
                                                                                                   the Historic Museum it cur-
                                                                                                   rently is.
             ORANJESTAD — You are back or still en-     photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you
             joying your vacation?... we would like to  give permission to The Aruba Today News-
             portrait you! By inviting you to send us your  paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any
             favorite  vacation  picture  while  enjoying  of its affiliated companies to use said ma-
             our Happy Island.                          terials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for
                                                        promotional purposes without compensa-
             Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is  tion.
             ……. Send your picture with that text (in-
             cluding  your  name  and  where  you  are  Last but not least: check out our website,
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             will  publish  your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t  you for supporting our free newspaper, we
             that a special way to keep your best mo-   strive to make you a happy reader every
             ments alive? Please do note: By submitting  day again.q
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