Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
The Kitchen
October 28, 2019
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
California declares state
of emergency over
wildfires, winds
By TERENCE CHEA igniting.
DON THOMPSON Gov. Gavin Newsom said
SANTA ROSA, California in a statement that offi-
(AP) — California's gover- cials were deploying "eve-
nor declared a statewide ry resource available" to
emergency Sunday after respond to the wildfires,
officials ordered nearly including a large blaze in
200,000 people to leave Northern California's wine
their homes as hurricane- country powered by gusts
force winds drove multiple that topped more than 80
wildfires through bone-dry mph (149 kph).
vegetation. Meanwhile, Elsewhere, two grass fires
the state's largest utility cut burning in the San Francis-
electricity to millions of resi- co Bay Area briefly halted
dents as a precaution to traffic on a bridge. Woodbridge firefighter Joe Zurilgen passes a burning home as the Kincade Fire rages in Healds-
burg, Calif., on Sunday, Oct 27, 2019.
prevent more areas from Continued on Next Page Associated Press