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                                                                                                                                                                        Friday 1 April 2016

An event connecting Aruba with thousands of people:

 Soul Beach Music Festival Has Become More Than Just a Concert

ORANJESTAD - In a press         more tourists since it is a
                                period normally known as
conference held Wednes-         ‘’Low Season’’.
                                ‘’This year we are expect-
day afternoon at the Re-        ing between 4,400 and
                                4,600 people that will come
naissance  Convention           from a specific American
                                market. Soul Beach re-
Center, general producer        mains an important event
                                for Aruba not only because
of the Soul Beach Music         it is a very popular festival
                                for our destination, but also
Festival Mr. Mark Adkins to-    it syncs with ATA’s strategies
                                to capture certain parts of
gether with Mr. Mark Ben-       America which we normal-
                                ly don’t put much emphasis
son from Aruba Tourism Au-      to’’ , Minister Oduber says.
                                The focus is going a bit
thority (ATA) covered the
                                more now on to what is
newest details for this year’s  the East side of America in     thought they would be-         the island’s popularity.        a good laugh. Legend-
                                which the main sectors are      come one of the main mar-      This year again there is a      ary artists such as The Isley
16th edition of Soul Beach      located according to Min-       kets to come to Aruba, but     list of famous & extremely      Brothers who are one of the
                                ister Oduber with about 80      also, the mere presence of     talented artists who will be    few old school bands still
Music Festival on Aruba.        to 85 % of visitors coming to   these markets complement       coming to Aruba and this        doing their thing today will
                                Aruba from this area alone.     what ATA has been doing        always helps when it comes      for sure satisfy the soul mu-
His excellence Minister of      ‘’This is very important be-    to diversify within the Unit-  to touristic attraction.        sic lover.
                                cause it brings an addi-        ed States and other areas      Mr. Adkins would like to in-
Tourism, Otmar Oduber           tional value to our island      of interest’’ , Minister Odu-  vite everybody to come             International sensations
                                and also visitors who never     ber explains.                  on down and check out           Fantasia & Miguel are also
was also present for a short                                    Aruba ‘’Meet Ups’’             comedian Tony Rock who          going to be performing
                                                                There are various spots        is Chris Rock’s little brother  at Soul Beach this year to
while to elaborate a bit on                                     around America now             among others who are            name a few. For more infor-
                                                                where people are making        coming to guarantee you         mation visit the website at
the local awareness and                                         events to meet up with oth-                          
                                                                ers who have also visited
other details regarding this                                    Aruba. These are people
event. This project began                                       who have made Aruba
20 years ago and it has                                         their second home and ac-
now developed and grown                                         cording to Mark Adkins, if
to what it is today. Accord-                                    you go on the internet you
ing to Minister Oduber, their                                   will find several hashtags on
vision and drive is to work                                     social media like #TeamA-
hard on these months of                                         ruba or #ArubaFamily. This
May, June & many times                                          is unifying different people
the beginning of October                                        from different areas of the
& September to attract                                          United States who love
                                                                coming to Aruba and have
                                                                been making a huge family
                                                                who come together every
                                                                year for events such as Soul
                                                                Beach and more. Accord-
                                                                ing to Mr. Adkins, this event
                                                                has now become much
                                                                more than just a concert
                                                                due to it now being a medi-
                                                                um for people to connect
                                                                to Aruba and help expand
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