Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                                                                                                           LOCAL Diahuebs 19 aPRiL 2018

                        Articulo bieu discriminatorio contra hende muhe declara nulo

            ORANJESTAD  -  Gobi-         is  zonder  schriftelijke  toe-  aki e minister ta laga sa cu el  CEDEHM  reconociendo  e  e ser femenino'.
            erno a declara un articulo  stemming  van  de  minister  'a ofrece su apoyo maximo na  importancia di y su respet pa
            discriminatorio     contra  van Algemene Zaken aan de
            hende  muhe  nulo  antici-   houder  verboden  in  een  lo-
            pando  e  cambio  den  ley  kaliteit  waarvoor  ingevolge
            ainda. Ta trata di e ley di  deze  landsverordening  een
            otorgamento  di  permiso  vergunning,      niet   zijnde
            pa horeca.                   een  grossiersvergunning  of
                                         een  slijtvergunning,  is  ver-
            Esaki  minister  di  asuntonan  leend,  vrouwen  of  personen
            social ta informa. Den e arti-  beneden  de  leeftijd  van
            culo 53 aki ta exigi un permiso  achttien  jaar  te  laten  bedi-
            special  pa  trahado  femenino  enen."
            por traha den bar, restaurant
            etc. E ley ta di 1949.       Asina cu e minister concerni
                                         Glenbert  Croes  (MRP)  a
            "Na momento cu e notifica-   ricibi e notificacion di esaki,
            cion a drenta via di un cliente  el a bay Conseho di minister
            atento, Departamento di La-  pa declara e e articulo 53 aki
            bor  a  haci  su  investigacion  nulo  anticipando  e  cambio
            profundo  y  corectamente  e  oficial den ley.
            articulo  53  cu  ta  discrimina
            contra e hende muhe den por  Riba potret por mira e min-
            haya  un  trabou  den  horeca,  ister  durante  su  prome  en-
            ainda ta vigente", asina e min-  cuentro  oficial  cu  Sandra
            ister ta informa.            Brown, director di Centro di
                                         Desaroyo pa e Hende Muhe
            E  articulo  aki  ta  bisa:  "Het  (CEDEHM). Den e reunion


            Cumpra 2 bucket y gana tick-

                  et di Flip Flop Festival                                By means of this publication Aruba
                                                                          Airport Authority N.V. (AAA),
                                                                          manager and operator of Aeropuerto
            ORANJESTAD  -  Cer-          ca. Yega trempan na On the       Internacional Reina Beatrix, would like
            bes  Chill  ta  sigui  cu  nan  Rocks pa asina bo por cum-    to invite all who are interested in the
            evento  di  happy  hour  na  pra 2 bucket y gana ticket p’e   purchase of the following vehicle to
                                                                          submit a bid there for.
            caminda pa Flip Flop Fes-    festival, unda cu cerbes Chill
            tival, diabierna awo, dia 20  lo  presenta  cu  e  carchinan   Ford Towtruck
            di april na On the Rocks.    entre  5:00-9:00pm.  E  atardi   Model:  F 550
                                         aki e carchinan general lo ta    Year 2008
            E happy hour lo ta di 5or di  na benta pa 60 florin, mien-
            atardi  te  cu  9or  di  anochi,  tras cu lo tin un VIP special   Interested parties can view the vehicle on April 30, 2018, at 09:00 hrs. meeting point “Main Gate”.
            unda cu tur hende lo por dis-  pa  100  florin  cual  carchinan   Inquiries can be sent to until May 4, 2018.
            fruta di prijs special cu cerbes  tambe ta limita.
            Chill tin riba bucket y asina                                 The following conditions apply:
            aki gana un ticket general di  Na On the Rocks tur hende      1. AS IS WHERE IS.
            Flip  Flop  Festival.  Pa  gana  por  cumpra  nan  carchi  of   2. Minimum Bid:  Afl. 15,000.00
            ticket  di  Flip  Flop  Festival  gana  esaki  pa  asina  disfruta   3. Cash upon delivery.
            ta facil, cu cada compra di 2  di  Flip  Flop  dianan  28,  29   4. All offers shall be final and unconditional and shall be valid for a period of two weeks after the
            bucket,  e  persona  por  gana  y  30  di  april.  E  special  riba   final date to submit an offer.
            1 ticket general pa asina dis-  e  ticketnan  aki  ta  obtenibel   5. AAA reserves the right to refuse the offer without any reason or take such other course of
            fruta di Flip Flop Festival dia  diabierna awo dia 20 di april   action, as AAA deems appropriate at AAA’s sole and absolute discretion.
            30 di april.                 solamente na On the Rocks.       6. Without prejudice to article 5 the best offer will be honored.
                                         Cerbes  Chill  ta  invita  tur
            E  ticketnan  ta  limita,  p’esey  hende pa yega On the Rocks   Interested parties can submit their bid ultimately on May 11, 2018, 15:00 hrs. local time
            yega  trempan  pasobra  ‘op  is  y  disfruta  di  e  prijs  special   at AAA’s offices at the Reception of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. on the first floor of the
            op’,  asina  Mitch  Bermudez,  riba buckets y gana of cum-    Airport Tower Building. Offers submitted after this date and hour will not be accepted.
            representante di Chill a indi-  pra ticket di Flip Flop.
                                                                          Interested parties should submit a proposal containing their name, copy of valid ID, email address,
                                                                          physical address and telephone number.
                                                                          All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelope prior to the deadline indicated above at the
                                                                          following direction:
                                                                          Attn: Airside Operations Unit
                                                                          Ford F 550 Tow Truck
                                                                          Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
                                                                          Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix
                                                                          Sabana Berde 75, Aruba

                                                                          Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
                                                                          April, 2018
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